Protected Areas of Nicaragua

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May 27, 2009, 12:41 pm
Source: WDPA
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Protected area highlights for Nicaragua (January 31, 2008):
  1. of


Total Area of nationally recognized protected areas (% of Nicaragua's Territorial Area)




- Terrestrial (% of Nicaragua's Terrestrial Territorial Area)




- Marine and Littoral Protected Area



Note that some protected areas include both terrestrial area and marine area

Nationally recognized protected areas greater than 1,000 km2


Nationally recognized protected areas greater than 10,000 km2


Wetlands of International importance (Ramsar Sites)



UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserves



There are eight wetlands in Nicaragua recognized as important under the the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar Convention):

|- style="background-color: #5d7b9d" ! scope="col" align="left" | Site Name ! scope="col" align="center" | Marine or
 ! scope="col" align="right" | Total
|- align="left"
Cayos Miskitos y Franja Costera Immediata Marine 85,000
Deltas del Estero Real y Llanos de Apacunca Marine 81,700
Lago de Apanás-Asturias Terrestrial 5,415
Los Guatusos Terrestrial 43,750
Refugio de Vida Silvestre Río San Juan Marine 43,000
Sistema de Humedales de la Bahía de Bluefields Marine 86,501
Sistema de Humedales de San Miguelito Terrestrial 43,475
Sistema Lagunar de Tisma Terrestrial 16,850

There are two UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserves in Nicaragua

  • Bosawas Biosphere Reserve 2,181,500 hectares (UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve)
  • Rio San Juan Biosphere Reserve 1,392,900

The latest World database on Protected Areas identifies 93 protected areas in Nicaragua (19 more than the summary above):

National Parks:

  • Archipiélago de Zapatera 5,227 hectares
  • Saslaya National Park 27,792 hectares
  • Volcán Masaya National Park 4,745 hectares

National Monuments:

  • Archipiélago de Solentiname National Monument 18,930 hectares

Nature Reserves:

  • Alamikamba Nature Reserve 2,100 hectares.
  • Cabo Viejo Nature Reserve 5,800 hectares
  • Cerro Apante Nature Reserve 1,230 hectares
  • Cerro Cola Blanca Nature 22,200 hectares
  • Cerro Cumaica - Cerro Alegre Nature Reserve 5,115 hectares
  • Cerro El Arenal Nature Reserve 649 hectares</span>
  • Cerro Guabule Nature Reserve 5,485 hectares</span>
  • Cerro Kilambé Nature Reserve 11,440 hectares
  • Cerro Mombachito - La Vieja Nature Reserve 809 hectares
  • Cerro Musún Nature Reserve 4,700 hectares
  • Cerro Pancasan Nature Reserve 180 hectares
  • Cerro Quiabuc (Las Brisas) Nature Reserve 3,179 hectares
  • Cerro Tisey - Estanzuela Nature Reserve 6,142 hectares
  • Cerros de Bana Cruz Nature Reserve 24,767 hectares
  • Complejo Volcánico Momotombo y Momotombito Nature Reserve 9,182 hectares
  • Complejo Volcánico Pilas - El Hoyo Nature Reserve 8,365 hectares
  • Complejo Volcánico San Cristóbal - Casita Nature Reserve 18,294 hectares
  • Complejo Volcánico Telica - Rota Nature Reserve 10,209 hectares
  • Cordillera Dipilto y Jalapa Nature Reserve 27,239 hectares
  • Cordillera Yolaina Nature Reserve 30,160 hectares
  • Estero Padre Ramos Nature Reserve 9,688 hectares
  • Estero Real Nature Reserve 74,822 hectares
  • Fila Cerro Frío - La Cumplida Nature Reserve 2,479 hectares
  • Fila Masigüe Nature Reserve 5,529 hectares
  • Isla Juan Venado Nature Reserve 7,074 hectares
  • Kligna Nature Reserve 3,831 hectares
  • Kuskawas Nature Reserve 5,155 hectares
  • Laguna de Apoyo Nature Reserve 3,306 hectares
  • Laguna de Asososca Nature Reserve 118
  • Laguna de Nejapa Nature Reserve 188 hectares
  • Laguna de Tiscapa Nature Reserve 125 hectares
  • Laguna de Tisma Nature Reserve 6,321
  • Laguna Kukalaya Nature Reserve 4,273 hectares
  • Laguna Layasica Nature Reserve 4,895 hectares
  • Laguna Pahara Nature Reserve 10,874 hectares
  • Laguna Tala - Sulama Nature Reserve 36,812 hectares
  • Laguna Yulu-Karata Nature Reserve 27,414 hectares
  • Lagunas Bismuna T.Raya - Leimus Nature Reserve 10,546 hectares
  • Limbaika Nature Reserve 1,709 hectares
  • Llanos de Karawala Nature Reserve 2,694 hectares
  • Llanos de Makantaka Nature Reserve 1,686
  • Macizo de Peñas Blancas Nature Reserve 12,761 hectares
  • Mesa de Moropotente Nature Reserve 8,344 hectares
  • Península de Chiltepe Nature Reserve 3,981 hectares
  • Ramal de Datanli - Cerro El Diablo Nature Reserve 2,217 hectares
  • Río Manares Nature Reserve 1,075 hectares
  • Salto del Río Yasica Nature Reserve 224 hectares
  • Sierra Amerrisque Nature Reserve 15,912 hectares
  • Sierra Kiragua Nature Reserve 11,413 hectares
  • Sistema Lagunar de Mecatepe Nature Reserve 901 hectares
  • Tepesomoto / Pataste Nature Reserve 9,168 hectares
  • Volcán Concepción Nature Reserve 3,113 hectares
  • Volcán Cosigüina Nature Reserve 12,137 hectares
  • Volcán Madera Nature Reserve 5,384 hectares
  • Volcán Mombacho Nature Reserve 1,240 hectares
  • Volcán Yalí Nature Reserve 3,637 hectares
  • Yulu Nature Reserve 3,997 hectares

Natural Resources Reserves:

  • Bosawas National Resource/s Reserve 730,000 hectares

Forest Reserves:

  • Cerro Silva Forest Reserve 260,277 hectares
  • Cerro Wawashan Forest Reserve 2,207 hectares

Marine Reserves:

  • Cayos Miskitos Marine Reserve 12,667 hectares

Wildlife Refuges:

  • Los Guatuzos Wildlife Refuge 42,784 hectares
  • Río Escalante-Chococente Wildlife Refuge 5,009 hectares

Other Reserves:

  • Río Indio Maíz Biological Reserve 413,901 hectares
  • Yucul Genetic Reserve 4,686 hectares

Historic Monuments:

  • Fortaleza la Inmaculada Historic Monument 3,208

Other areas:

  • Apanás
  • Cayos Perlas
  • Delta Del Estero Real
  • Desembocadura del Río Escondido
  • Desembocadura del Río Grande de Matagalpa
  • Desembocadura del Río ejo
  • Ensenada El Pato
  • Estero El Junquillo
  • Estero Las Marías
  • Isla Nancital
  • Islas Maderas Negras
  • La Máquina (Private Reserve)
  • Laguna Baka Day
  • Laguna de Moyuá
  • Laguna Grande
  • Laguna Lawira
  • Laguna Perlas (abajo) Ñocarime
  • Río Kuanwatla
  • Río Punta Gorda
  • Rio San Juan
  • Saslaya
Source: The CIA World Factbook

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Further Reading:

  1. World Resources Institute(accessd May 26, 2009)
  2. World Database on Protected Areas (accessed May 26, 2009)


(2009). Protected Areas of Nicaragua. Retrieved from