Protected Areas of French Guiana

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Protected areas of French Guiana

May 27, 2009, 12:54 pm
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Protected area highlights for French Guiana (January 31, 2008):
  1. of


Total Area of nationally recognized protected areas (% of French Guiana's Territorial Area)




Terrestrial (% of French Guiana's Terrestrial Territorial Area)




Marine and Littoral Protected Area



Note that some protected areas include both terrestrial area and marine area

The latest World Database on Protected Areas reports 195 nationally recognized protected areas in French Guiana

|- style="background-color: #5d7b9d" ! scope="col" align="left" | Site Name ! scope="col" align="center" | IUCN Designation ! scope="col" align="center" | Marine or Terrestrial ! scope="col" align="right" | Total
Area (hectares)
 ! scope="col" align="right" | Total
Marine Area
|- align="left"
Bourg de la commune de Roura (Natural Monument) - Terrestrial 34
Centre Nature de Sinnamary (Nature Reserve) - Both 20,100
Colline de Bourda (Natural Monument) - Terrestrial 57
Colline de Cépérou (Natural Monument) - Terrestrial 7
Colline de Montabo (Natural Monument) - Terrestrial 59
Ile du Grand Connétable (National Nature Reserve) - Both 7,852 7,849
Ile du Salut (Natural Monument) V Both 1
Ile du Salut (Natural Monument) - Marine
Ilets de Rémire (Littoral Conservation Area) V Terrestrial 50
Ilets de Rémire (Natural Monument) - Terrestrial
Le bassin versant et les chutes de la crique Voltaire (Natural Monument) III Terrestrial 17,740
Mana (Nature Reserve) - Both 22,100
Marais de Kaw (Biotope Protection Order) - Terrestrial 100,000
Marais de Yiyi (Littoral Conservation Area) V Terrestrial 9,858
Mirande (Forest Reserve) - Both 2,700
Mont Bourda (Littoral Conservation Area) V Terrestrial 23
Mont Grand Matoury (National Nature Reserve) - Terrestrial
Mont Mahury (Littoral Conservation Area) V Terrestrial 140
Montabo (Littoral Conservation Area) V Terrestrial 4
Montagne d'Argent (Littoral Conservation Area) V Terrestrial 740
Montagne d'Argent (Natural Monument) - Terrestrial 740
Monts de Cayenne (Biotope Protection Order) IV Terrestrial 134
Parc Naturel Régional de Guyane (Regional Natural Park) - Terrestrial 3,000,000
Place des Palmistes et place de Grenoble (Natural Monument) - Terrestrial 13
Plateau de Montravel (Natural Monument) - Terrestrial 12
Plateau du Mahury (Natural Monument) - Terrestrial 760
Pointe de Buzaré (Littoral Conservation Area) V Terrestrial 0.5
Pointe Isère (Littoral Conservation Area) V Terrestrial 6,372
Quartier officiel de la commune de Saint Laurent du Maroni (Natural Monument) - Terrestrial 34
Région de Saül (Biotope Protection Order) IV Terrestrial 60,000
Région du Mont Grand Matoury, du lac des américains, et de la plaine de la crique Bernard (Biotope Protection Order) IV Terrestrial 2270
Réserve Biologique Domaniale de Lucifer Dékou-Dékou (Forest Biological Reserve) Ia Terrestrial 110,300
Réserve naturelle de la Trinité (National Nature Reserve) Ia Terrestrial 76,000
Réserve naturelle de l'Amana (National Nature Reserve) IV Terrestrial 14,800
Réserve naturelle des Marais de Kaw-Roura (National Nature Reserve) IV Terrestrial 94,700
Réserve naturelle des Nouragues (National Nature Reserve) Ia Terrestrial 100,000
Reserve naturelle volontaire de la fondation Trésor (Regional Nature Reserve) IV Terrestrial 2,464
Ruines de Vidal (Natural Monument) - Terrestrial 1,050
Sables blancs de Mana (Biotope Protection Order) IV Terrestrial 29,182
Saline de Montjoly (Littoral Conservation Area) V Both 16

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Further Reading:

  1. World Resources Institute(accessed May 26, 2009)
  2. World Database on Protected Areas (accessed May 26, 2009)


Triana, E. (2009). Protected areas of French Guiana. Retrieved from