Peccei, Aurelio (Environmental & Earth Science)
Peccei, Aurelio
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Aurelio Peccei (1908-1984), an Italian scholar and businessman who founded the think tank The Club of Rome in 1968. In 1930, Peccei graduated from the University of Turin in Italy with a degree in economics. He then secured a position with Fiat and he helped rebuild the company. The Club of Rome was founded in 1968; according to Peccei: “if the Club of Rome has any merit, it is that of having been the first to rebel against the suicidal ignorance of the human condition.” The Limits to Growth, a study led by Donella Meadows, was commissioned by the organization in 1972. Peccei was skeptical that neither the market nor technology could solve society's pressing energy and environmental problems. After calling together groups of economists and scientists to discuss problems facing the world, they asked Meadows and other scientists at MIT to examine scenarios of future population growth, living standards, resource depletion, and environmental degradation.
Further Reading
The Club of Rome Website