From The Encyclopedia of Earth
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Poverty and National ParksMany poor people live around national parks in developing countries. Does that mean that these parks are contributing to their poverty? Living on the Edge of...
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Comments Sought: Forest Service Land...USDA Forest Service Unveils Proposed Planning Rule to Provide Science-Based Framework to Support Healthy Forests and Communities Forest Service Seeks Public Comment on...
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Histria (Parks & Public Lands)Situated near the Black Sea in the Dobrogea region, Histria is the oldest town in present day Romania, With clear Neolithic roots, the first substantial...
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Colorado Plateau shrublands Last Updated on 2015-09-05 12:10:49 WWF Terrestrial Ecoregions Collection The Colorado Plateau shrublands is epitomized by the Grand Canyon, an area that has been called the "land of color and canyons." The Plateau can be thought of as an elevated, northward-tilted saucer. It is characterized by its high elevation and arid to semi-arid climate. The Colorado Plateau has developed extensive topographic relief through the erosive action of high-gradient, swift-flowing rivers that have downcut and incised the plateau. Approximately 90 percent of the plateau is drained by the Colorado River and its tributaries, notably the lower catchmentCatchment is the entire area of a hydrological drainage basin. of the Green River, the San Juan River and Animas River. This ecoregion is classified within the Deserts and Xeric Shrublands biome, and is codified as WWF Ecoregion... More »
Sundarbans, Bangladesh (Parks & Public Lands) Last Updated on 2014-10-19 18:16:11 The Sundarbans (21°30'- 22°30'N, 89°12'-90°18'E) are a World Heritage Site which consists of three wildlife sanctuaries (Sundarbans West, East and South) lying on disjunct deltaic islands in the Sundarbans Forest Division of Khulna District, close to the border with India and immediately west of the principal outflow of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers. The Sundarbans belong to Bengalian Rainforest biogeographical province. 1977: All three wildlife sanctuaries established under the Bangladesh Wildlife (Preservation) (Amendment) Act, 1974, 1878: The three sanctuaries gazetted as forest reserves. 1996: The total area of wildlife sanctuaries extended; the entire Sundarbans is reserved forest, established under the Indian Forest Act, 1878. 1997: The Sundarbans inscribed on the World Heritage List. The total area of the Bangladesh... More »
Greater St Lucia Wetland Park, South Africa Last Updated on 2014-07-10 16:27:07 The Greater St. Lucia Wetland Park (32°06’25’’E to 32°56’46’’E. and 26°51’26’’S to 28°29’07’’S) is a World Heritage Site. There are few comparable protected coastlines within the tropics as pristine as St. Lucia's. The Park is one of the outstanding natural wetland sites of Africa. It lies on a tropical-subtropical interface with a wide range of terrestrial, wetland, estuarine lake, coastal and marine environments, which are scenically beautiful and basically unmodified by people. These include coral reefs, long sandy beaches, coastal dunes, lake systems, swamps, and extensive reed and papyrus wetlands, critical habitat for a range of species from Africa's sea, wetlands and savannas. The interaction of these environments with major floods and coastal storms in the Park's transitional... More »
Cape Floral Protected Areas, South Africa Last Updated on 2014-07-09 16:01:32 Cape Floral Protected Areas (32°36’S to 34° 30’S and 18° 18’E to 25°50’E) is a World Heritage Site located in South Africa. The Cape Floral Region is located in southwest and southern South Africa, between the coast and the Cedarberg and Swartberg Mountain ranges, mostly in Western Cape Province. It comprises a cluster of eight sites over an area about 850 kilometers (km) long by an average of 110 km wide located between approximately 32°36’S to 34° 30’S and 18° 18’E to 25°50’E. The northern margin reaches into the Northern Cape, the inland margin on the north-facing mountain slopes is formed by the Succulent Karoo and the Nama-Karoo and the eastern margin is in the thicket vegetation of Eastern Cape Province. In relation to Cape Town, Cape Peninsula National Park extends from the city 50 km south;... More »
Sangay National Park, Ecuador Last Updated on 2014-07-08 16:51:55 Sangay National Park ( 1° 27'-2° 15'S, 78° 04'-78° 31'W) is located in the central Andes is the largest area of unaltered wild land in the country's eastern Cordilleras. It has outstanding natural beauty, two snow-capped active volcanoes and an entire range of ecosystems from the tropical rainforests of the Amazon basin to mountain glaciers. Its isolation has protected a great diversity of wildlife including indigenous species such as the mountain tapir and Andean condor. The Park was inscribed on the List of the World Heritage in Danger in 1992 because of heavy poaching of wildlife, illegal livestock grazing, encroachment along the Park's perimeter, and especially unplanned road construction. The building of this road from Guamote in the mountains to Macas on the plain across the south end of the Park continues to be the main threat. It... More » </div>