Oli Brown
User Profile
Oli Brown is a project manager and policy researcher for IISD's Trade and Investment, and Security programs. He also co-ordinates the Trade, Aid and Security initiative – a joint IISD/IUCN project that focuses on the way in which the trade in natural resources can contribute to violent conflict, and on the role of development assistance and trade liberalization in fueling or alleviating this downward spiral.
With a first degree in Social Anthropology and a Masters in International Relations, Oli spent two years in Nepal managing education and conservation projects and a year and a half as a trade policy researcher for Oxfam GB. He has completed consultancies for the UNDP, NZAID and International Alert and has written on a wide range of trade, environment and sustainable development issues. In his personal time, Oli is a climbing, trekking and mountain bike guide in Africa, Asia and South America.