Ocean energy (Energy)

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Ocean energy

February 1, 2011, 12:00 am
March 23, 2011, 1:18 pm
Source: Minerals Management Service
Content Cover Image


The U.S. Department of the Interior's Minerals Management Service developed this teacher's guide to teach students about the many energy resources in, over, and under the ocean, using background information, presentations, and hands-on activities. Includes sections on petroleum, natural gas, methane hydrates, and renewable energies. Hands-on activities include drilling for oil in the ocean, and building a floating oil rig.


To teach students about the many energy resources in, over, and under the ocean.


  • Suitable for high school and introductory college classes
  • Provides basic background information of various energy systems
  • Three to ten class periods, depending on the number of hands-on activities you choose to conduct


If you stand on the beach on a sunny day and look out at the ocean, you are surrounded by energy. You feel the radiant energy from the sun warming your skin. The energy in the wind blows your hair. The waves are constantly advancing and retreating. If you stand long enough, you will see the water level rise and fall with the tides. Powerful currents, unseen, move through the oceans. Energy is everywhere around you, just waiting to be harnessed.

Below the ocean, there are enormous energy resources, too. In many areas, large deposits of petroleum and natural gas are buried under the seabed. There are huge deposits of frozen crystals filled with methane, an energy-rich gas. The ocean is full of energy.

The attached Teacher's Guide provides tips for implementing this unit in class, background information on the many sources of energy from the ocean, as well as several classroom activities that allow students to explore those different types of energy first-hand. - {Download Pdf symbol.jpg}


Divide the class into nine groups, and assign each group one of the topics covered in the guide. Give students time to prepare a short presentation to teach their fellow classmates about the ocean energy topic they were assigned.


Assess students' comprehension of the material based on the clarity of the presentations and answers to the questions that follow the lab activities.


To teach students about the many energy resources in, over, and under the ocean, using background information, presentations, and hands-on activities.


Nomack, M. (2011). Ocean energy. Retrieved from http://editors.eol.org/eoearth/wiki/Ocean_energy_(Energy)