Michelle Miller

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User Profile

350px-EcoApple Miller.jpg.jpeg
Name: Michelle Miller
Member Since: December 1st, 2006
Member Name: Michelle.miller

Michelle Miller is Associate Director for the University of WI - Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems (UW-CIAS). Michelle is an applied anthropologist working with farmers on pesticide risk reduction. Initially hired by UW-CIAS in 1997 to help farmers respond effectively to the Food Quality Protection Act, she works most closely with fruit growers in their efforts to get ahead of the regulatory curve. She has worked in the sustainable agriculture field on human organization and policy issues since 1980.

A 1992 graduate of the University of Wisconsin Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, Michelle went on to work in eight Great Lakes states and two provinces on the World Wildlife Fund - US Agricultural Pollution Prevention Project, an innovative effort that changed the way farmers and environmentalists understand each other. Michelle also worked at the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection on sustainable agriculture and water quality issues, and for UW-Extension as their sustainable agriculture educator. In the non-profit sector, Michelle also worked for Earth Share, Citizens for a Better Environment, and Environmental Defense. She has served on the board of directors for Wisconsin Farmers Union Foundation, Clean Wisconsin, The Madison Institute, and [http://www.willystreet.coop/ Williamson Street Grocery Cooperative.