Michael Ellenbecker
User Profile
Dr. Ellenbecker is Director of the Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Institute and professor of industrial hygiene at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. He helped negotiate the state's landmark 1989 toxics use reduction law. Harvard-educated, he holds doctoral and master's degrees in environmental health sciences and industrial hygiene. He also holds master's and bachelor's degrees in electrical engineering. He taught at Harvard for six years. His major professional interest is air contaminants (controlling exposure to toxic gases, vapors, and particles) and he has worked extensively on industrial ventilation systems. OTHER: Certified, American Board of Industrial Hygiene. Consultant, Industrial Hygiene, Air Pollution, Indoor Air Quality. Director, Industrial Hygiene Program, Harvard Educational Resources Center, 1984 - '86. Mass. Commission on Indoor Air Pollution, 1987 - '89.