Mark C. Andersen
User Profile
Mark Andersen is an Associate Professor in the Department of Fishery and Wildlife Sciences at New Mexico State University. He has taught courses in General Ecology, Quantitative Ecology, Field Methods in Ecology, Fishery and Wildlife Research Methods, Proposal Writing, Population Ecology, Environmental Policy, and International Issues in Wildlife Conservation. He is active in the Society for Risk Analysis and has served as Chair of the Theoretical Ecology Section of the Ecological Society of America. He has authored or co-authored over 120 scientific and technical papers, reports, and presentations. He has served as a consultant to government agencies and private enterprise on matters relating to endangered species and wildlife conservation since 1991. His research interests include theoretical ecology, particularly spatially-explicit stochastic simulation models in relation to threatened and endangered species and invasive species, the ecology of desert vertebrates, particularly the interface of population and landscape ecology, and applications of theoretical ecology to risk analysis for invasive species and other biological stressors.
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