Malaysia Summary Factsheet

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October 12, 2009, 6:24 pm
August 30, 2011, 2:07 pm
Source: United.nations

This Malaysia summary factsheet incorporates an overview to prominent land, population and water resource issues of the country of Malaysia, a country in the region of Southeast Asia. Malaysia consists of two regions: Peninsular Malaysia in the west lying between Thailand and Singapore, and the states of Sabah and Sarawak located in the east on the island of Borneo. The two regions are separated by the South China Sea. The total land area of the country is 328550km². Malaysia is a federal country, divided into 13states plus the federal territories of Kuala Lumpur and Labuan Island..

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) leads international efforts to defeat hunger. Serving both developed and developing countries, FAO acts as a forum where nations can meet as equals to negotiate agreements and debate policy; moreover, it is also a source of knowledge and information.


Country Total Area (ha) 2007 32,974,000
Cultivated Area (ha) 2007 7,585,000


Total Population (# ind) 2006 26,114,000
Population Density (#/km2) 2007 79.2
Rural Population (# ind) 2006 8,197,000
Total Economically Active in Agriculture (# ind) 2006 1,728,000


Long Term Average Annual Preciptiation

In depth (mm/yr) 2,875
In volume (km3/yr) 948

Renewable Water Resources

Total Average Annual Internal (IRWR) (km3/yr) 580
Total Average Annual External (ERWR) (km3/yr) 0
Total Average Annual Actual (ARWR) (km3/yr) 580
Dependency Ratio (%) 0
Total Actual Per Capita (m3/yr/individual) 2007 22,211


By Sector

Agricultural Water Withdrawal (km3/yr) 2000 5.60
Municipal Water Withdrawal (km3/yr) 2000 1.52
Industrial Water Withdrawal (km3/yr) 2000 1.90
Total Water Withdrawal (km3/yr) 2000 9.02
Total Water Withdrawal Per Capita (m3/yr/ind)

By Source

Total Freshwater Withdrawal (km3) 2000 9.02
Desalinated Water Produced (km3) 2000 0.00433
Reused Treated Wastewater (km3) 2000 0
Total Freshwater Withdrawal as Percentage of ARWR (%) 2002 1.56
Agricultural Freshwater Withdrawal as Percentage of ARWR(%)


Area Equipped for Irrigation

Full Control Irrigation (ha) 1994 363,000
Surface Irrigation (ha) 1994 341,000
Sprinkler Irrigation (ha) 1994 0
Localize Irrigation (ha) 1994 117
Equipped Lowland Areas (ha) 1994 22,000
Spate Irrigation (ha) 1994 0
Total Area Equipped for Irrigation (ha) 1994 363,000
As Percentage of Cultivated Area (%) 1997 4.76

See Also

  • Malaysia
  • Geography of Malaysia
  • Governance of Malaysia


(2011). Malaysia Summary Factsheet. Retrieved from