Madhav Gadgil

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Name: Madhav Gadgil
Member Since: October 3rd, 2006
Member Name: Madhav.gadgil

Madhav Gadgil’s scientific work focuses on ecology, conservation biology, human ecology, and ecological history. He has been a Lecturer on Biology at Harvard and a Visiting Professor of Human Biology at Stanford. From 1973 to 2004 he served on the faculty of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, where he founded the Centre for Ecological Sciences that has developed strong traditions of working with researchers, teachers, and policy makers as well as NGO workers, farmers and other citizens throughout the country. This has led to innovative experiments of involving High School and College teachers and students in inventorying and monitoring of biodiversity. He worked on the committee that drafted India’s Biological Diversity Act 2002, and has developed the methodology and database for People’s Biodiversity Registers that would be implemented at the level of local bodies throughout the country. He currently chairs the Committee to revise the Environmental Education Curriculum at the School stage. He is a Fellow of Indian National Science Academy, Third World Academy of Sciences, and Foreign Associate of the U.S. National Academy of Science. He was awarded the Volvo Environment Prize and Padma Bhushan by the President of India. He was a member of the Science Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India from 1986-90 and chaired the Science and Technology Advisory Panel of Global Environment Facility from 1998-2002. Dr. Gadgil holds an M.Sc. in Zoology from Bombay University and a Ph.D. in Biology from Harvard University.

E-mail: Madhav Gadgil