List of Maps and Charts

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The South Pole: List of Maps and Charts

March 18, 2009, 3:05 am
November 1, 2011, 4:28 pm
Source: Project.gutenberg

Return to Table of Contents of The South Pole: An Account of the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition in the "Fram"

Chart of the Immediate Surroundings of the South Pole
The South Pole - South Pole.jpg

Chart of the Ross Sea
The South Pole - Ross Sea.jpg

Chart of the Bay of Whales
The South Pole - Bay of Whales.jpg

1. Hypothetical Representation of the Surface Currents in the Northern Atlantic in April
The South Pole - Oceanography1.jpg
2. The "Fram's" Route from June 20 To July 7, 1910
The South Pole - Oceanography2.jpg
3. Temperature and Salinity in the "Fram's" Southern Section, June, 1910
The South Pole - Oceanography3.jpg
4. Temperature and Salinity in the "Fram's" Northern Section, July, 1910
The South Pole - Oceanography4.jpg
5. The "Fram's" Stations in the South Atlantic (June -- August, 1911)
The South Pole - Oceanography5.jpg
6. Currents in the South Atlantic (June -- August, 1911)
The South Pole - Oceanography6.jpg
7. Salinities and Temperatures at the Surface in the South Atlantic (June -- August, 1911)
The South Pole - Oceanography7a.jpg
8. Temperatures (Centigrade) at a Depth of 400 Metres (218 Fathoms)
The South Pole - Oceanography8.jpg
9. Temperatures at Station 32 (In the Benguela Current, July 22, 1911), and at Station 60 (In the Brazil Current, August 19, 1911)
The South Pole - Oceanography9.jpg
10. Salinities at Station 32 (In the Benguela Current, July 22, 1911), and at Station 60 (In the Brazil Current, August 19, 1911)
The South Pole - Oceanography10.jpg
11. Salinities and Temperatures in the Southern Section (June -- July, 1911)
12. Salinities and Temperatures in the Northern Section (July -- August, 1911)
The South Pole - Oceanography11.jpg
13. Temperatures at one of the "Fram's" and one of the "Challenger's" Stations, to the South of the South Equatorial Current
The South Pole - Oceanography13a.jpg
14. Temperatures at one of the "Fram's" and one of the "Valdivia's" Stations, in the Benguela Current
The South Pole - Oceanography14.jpg
15. Temperatures at the "Planet's" Station 25, And the "Fram's" Station 39 -- Both in the Neighbourhood of St. Helena
16. Salinities at the "Planet's" Station 25 (March 19, 1906), and the "Fram's" Station 39 (July 29, 1911)
The South Pole - Oceanography15.jpg

Chart of the Antarctic Region
The South Pole - Chart of Antarctic Region.jpg

This is a chapter from The South Pole (e-book).
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(2011). The South Pole: List of Maps and Charts. Retrieved from