Leiwen Jiang
User Profile
Leiwen Jiang, PhD. is a Project Scientist in the Climate and Global Dynamics Division at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). His research has involved methodological work on improving demographic components of integrated climate assessment models and exploring the environmental implication of demographic dynamics. He is developing the demographic module of the iPETS integrated assessment model used at NCAR, and explores the influence of socioeconomic variables on various aspects of environmental issues, from the regional to the global scale. As extensions of the research on integrated climate assessment modeling, he explores the socio-demographic determinants of the energy transition in the developing world; investigates the effects of urbanization in various forms and phases and its effect on energy consumption, land use, and greenhouse gas emissions; models the interacting patterns of demographic dynamics (particularly migration), institutional arrangements, and the use of land/water resources; and studies behavioral changes in housing, diet, transportation, etc. and their relationships with environmental and climate change.
He has contributed to over 50 scientific journal articles and refereed book chapters. Before joining NCAR, he was an Assistant Professor (research) at Brown University and Senior Demographer on Climate Change/Environment at Population Action International, and has conducted research at several academic institutions. He is currently serving as a lead author of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report in Working Group III, and a panel member of International Union for Scientific Studies of Population (IPCC) Scientific Panel on Climate Change.