Jorge W. Santo Domingo
User Profile
Dr. Santo Domingo is a research microbiologist with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in Cincinnati, Ohio. His work focuses on the use molecular assays to track sources of fecal pollution and to examine the molecular microbial diversity of drinking water. He holds a PhD in Microbiology from Michigan State University and a MS in Biology from the University of Puerto Rico. He has co-authored over 40 peer reviewed manuscripts, and recently edited a book in Microbial Source Tracking. His professional activities include: Associate Editor for the Journal of Environmental Quality, member of the Molecular Biology Subcommittee of Standard Methods, ad-hoc reviewer for several peer review scientific journals, and proposal reviewer for several federal agencies (e.g., NSF, NOAA, USDA, CICEET). His main interests relate to molecular microbial ecology, applied environmental microbiology, microbial water quality, and microbial genomics.