Joan Martinez Alier
User Profile
Joan Martínez Alier is a Professor at the Department of Economics and Economic History, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, since 1975. He has directed the Doctoral Programme in Environmental Sciences (in the option of Ecological Economics and Environmental Management) since 1997, at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA) of the UAB.
He was a research fellow / senior associate member of St. Antony's College, University of Oxford (1966-73 y 1984-85), and visiting professor at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Brasil) in 1974, Free University of Berlin in 1980-81, Stanford University and University of California (Davis) (1988-89), Yale University, 1999- 2000, and FLACSO Sede-Ecuador, 1994-95 and 2007.
He is a member since 2000 of the Scientific Committee of the European Environment Agency. He is a founding member and has been president (2006, 2007) of the International Society for Ecological Economics.
He has a doctorate in Economics (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona). His research interests comprise Agrarian History, Environmental History, Ecological Economics, Environmental Policy, Political Ecology. In 2008, he is directing the research projects “Social Metabolism, trends and reactions" (MEC, Spain) and CEECEC (“Civil Society Engagement with Ecological Economics”) (FP7, EU), and takes part in the integrated project ALARM (FP6). He direct also the research group (00571) Economic Institutions, Standards of Living, and Environment, recognised by the Catalan government.
He is the author of many academic articles, and a member of the editorial committee of Ecological Economics, Environmental Values, Journal of Agrarian Change and other journals. He has written and still writes for alternative journals such as Cuadernos de Ruedo Ibérico, Bicicleta, Mientras Tanto, Archipiélago, and he has edited since 1990 the journal Ecología Política (Icaria Editorial, Barcelona). He works with environmental groups such as Acción Ecológica, Quito, and its Instituto de Estudios Ecologistas del Tercer Mundo whose honorary rector he is.
His main books (in ERnglish) are Labourers and Landowners in Southern Spain (1971), Haciendas, Plantations and Collective Farms: Cuba and Peru (1977), Ecological Economics: Energy, Environment and Society (1987), Varieties of Environmentalism: Essays North and South (with Ramachandra Guha, 1997), The Environmentalism of the Poor: a Study of Ecological Conflicts and Valuation (2002). He has edited with Robert Costanza and Olman Segura, Getting down to earth: practical applications of ecological economics (1996), with Alf Hornborg and John Mc Neill, Rethinking Environmental History: World-Systems History and Global Environmental Change (2007), and with Inge Ropke, Recent Developments in Ecological Economics (2 vols, 2008).