Jennie C. Stephens

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User Profile

Name: Jennie C. Stephens
Member Since: June 27th, 2006
Member Name: Jennie.stephens

Jennie C. Stephens is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Policy at Clark University. Her research focuses on technologies and policies associated with confronting global climate change. She has particular interest in energy technologies that have potential to satisfy increasing energy demand in both developed and developing countries without increasing carbon dioxide emissions and the policies that could promote and support the deployment of these technologies. Technologies associated with capturing and storing carbon dioxide have been one recent focus of her work. Dr. Stephens is also involved in research examining the strategic use of scientific and technical information by industry and government in the development of environmental regulations. She teaches both graduate and undergraduate courses on climate change, biogeochemical cycles, sustainability, and the intersection of environment, society, and technology. She collaborates with the MIT-USGS Science Impact Collaborative as well as the Energy Technology Innovation Project at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. Dr. Stephens received her B.A. (1997) from Harvard University in Environmental Science and Public Policy and then earned both her M.S. (1998) and Ph.D. (2002) at the California Institute of Technology in Environmental Science and Engineering. Before joining the faculty of Clark University, she did post-doctoral research at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard and she taught at Tufts, Boston University, and MIT.

E-mail: Jennie Stephens