Jay Clausen
User Profile
Jay Clausen is a physical research scientist working for the US Army Corps of Engineers, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory located in Hanover, NH. His recent research has covered the fate and transport of energetic materials, the speciation of tungsten in the natural environment, and the application of Quantum Structure Activity Relationship models for assessing the physical/chemical properties of novel military compounds.
Jay is also a doctoral student in the Natural Resources and Earth Systems Science program at the University of New Hampshire and plans to study the green-house gas emissions emitted by the US Army Corps of Engineers, identification of mitigation measures to place the Corps on a sustainability footing, and the applicability of multiple criteria decision analysis tools to assist in the identification and selection of mitigation measures. He has Masters degree from the University Maine focused on the geochemistry of Maine groundwater and undergraduate degree from the University of Nebraska at Omaha focused on the chemistry of soils from the Spruce-Fir Zone in North Carolina and Tennessee.
Recent Publications
Clausen, J. L., B. Bostick, and N. Korte. 2009 (In Press). A review of the migration of metallic lead in surface water, pore water and ground water with emphasis on risks from shooting ranges. Critical Reviews in Environmental Control.
Clausen, J. L., J. Kaste, M. Ketterer, and N. Korte. 2009 (In Press). Sample preparation and digestion considerations for determining metal deposition at small arms ranges. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry.
Clausen, J. L., M. Ketterer, A. J. Bednar, and M. Koenig. 2009 (In Press). Challenges and successes in using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for measurements of tungsten in environmental water and soil samples. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry.
Bennett, E. R., J. L. Clausen. Linkov, and E. Linkov. 2009. Predicting physical properties of emerging compounds with Limited Physical and Chemical Data: QSAR Model Uncertainty and Applicability to Military Munitions. Chemosphere. 77:1412-1418.
Clausen, J. and N. Korte. 2009. The distribution of metals in soils and pore water at three U.S. military training facilities. Soil and Sediment Contamination Journal: An International Journal. 18(5):546-563.
Clausen, J. L. and N. Korte. 2009. Environmental fate of tungsten from military use. The Science of the Total Environment. 407(8):2887-2893.
Clausen, J. L., R. Cramer, S. Clough, P. Gwinn, and M. Gray. 2009. Assessing the sensitivity of quantitative structural activity analysis models for evaluating new military compounds. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 202(1):141-147. http://www.springerlink.com/content/f63k2m05445j1161/fulltext.pdf
Clausen, J. L., E. Wessling, and B. Chirgwin. 2007. Energetic Compound False Positives in Ground Water Profile Samples. Ground Water Monitoring and Review. 27(3):90-101.
Morley, M. C., H. Yamamoto, G. E. Speitel Jr., and J. L. Clausen. 2006. Dissolution kinetics of high explosives particles in a saturated sandy soil. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 85:141-158.
Further information about his research can be found at