James R. Mihelcic
User Profile
Dr. James Mihelcic is a Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering and State of Florida 21st Century World Class Scholar at theUniversity of South Florida (Tampa, Florida). As his previous university he served as an initial director of the university'sSustainable Future Instiitute. He is the founder of the first Master's International Program in Civil & Environmental Engineering and currently directs such a program at USF. The USF program allows students to combine graduate studies in public health, applied anthropology, and engineerring,global research, andengineering service in the U.S. Peace Corps as a water/sanitation engineer. Students may also obtain a Graduate Certificate in Water, Health, Sustainability. He has traveled extensively in the developing world to work on community-based engineering projects. Dr. Mihelcic has published one engineering textbook (Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering) that has been translated into Spanish. He is currently working on two additional textbooks, both with a sustainability theme (Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals, Design, Sustainability, John Wiley & Sons, 2008) and a Field Engineering Guide for water, sanitation, and indoor air in the developing world (ASCE Press, 2009).
Dr. Mihelcic was elected to the Board of Directors of the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) in 2004 and was awarded the AEESP-Wiley Interscience Award for Outstanding Contributions to Environmental Engineering & Science Education in 2002. He is currently President of AEESP and is also a member of the Environmental Protection Agency's Science Advisory Board for Environmental Engineering. Dr. Mihelcic has published many articles about sustainability, engineering education, water scarcity and other global change drivers that impact health and engineering design, and issues of international water, sanitation, and hygiene. He lives in a right-sized, energy & water efficient home.