Intute: Science, Engineering and Technology

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February 27, 2008, 7:08 pm
Intute logo.jpg.jpeg

Intute: Science, Engineering and Technology offers a free, easy to use and powerful tool for discovering the best Internet resources for teaching, learning and research, covering the physical sciences, engineering, computing, geography, mathematics and environmental science.

Intute: Science, Engineering and Technology has been created by bringing together three of the Hubs of the Resource Discovery Network (RDN): EEVL (Engineering, Mathematics and Computing), GEsourcePSIgate (Physical Sciences). The same team of experts, based at The University of Manchester and Heriot-Watt University, will maintain and develop the service. (Geography and Environment), and

This new structure will fully support the interdisciplinary needs of learning and research, whilst continuing to provide the same level of subject specific searching as before. Many of the additional services you currently use on the individual subject gateways (Spotlight, Engineering e-journals, World Guide, Timelines, tutorials, etc) will still be freely available via Intute. For further background information, see History.

Intute: Science, Engineering and Technology is funded by the JISC and is one of four subject groups of Intute.

Further Reading


Kubiszewski, I. (2008). Intute: Science, Engineering and Technology. Retrieved from,_Engineering_and_Technology