Holdren, John P.

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John P. Holdren, an American physicist noted for his influence in international efforts to reduce the dangers of nuclear conflict, achieve cooperation in energy-technology innovation, and shape new understandings and policies relating to a workable strategy to ensure sustainable development of the Earth’s resources. Holdren is Chair of the Committee on International Security and Arms Control of the National Academy of Sciences and was a member of President Clinton's President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). While a member of PCAST, Holdren chaired studies for the White House on protection of nuclear weapons materials, the U.S. fusion-energy R&D program, and energy R&D strategies to combat climate change. Holdren is credited with playing a significant role in mobilizing the international community of policymakers and scientists to take action in arms control, where he has been a powerfully effective advocate of U.S. attention to the security of nuclear weapons and nuclear materials in Russia.

In December 2008, Holdren was nominated by President-elect Barack Obama to be head of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and Science Advisor to the President.

Further Reading


Cleveland, C. (2009). Holdren, John P.. Retrieved from http://editors.eol.org/eoearth/wiki/Holdren,_John_P.