Henry, Joseph (Physics & Chemistry)

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Henry, Joseph

September 7, 2006, 9:24 pm

Joseph Henry (1797-1878), an American scientist, discovered the electromagnetic phenomenon of self-inductance. He also discovered mutual inductance, independently of Faraday, but Faraday was the first to publish his results. However, The SI unit of inductance, the henry, is named after him. His work on the electromagnetic relay was the basis of the electrical telegraph, jointly invented by Morse and Wheatstone. In 1846 Henry was named first Secretary of the newly established Smithsonian Institution. He was also a founding member of the National Academy of Sciences and served as its second President. For these accomplishments, Henry is widely considered to be among the foremost American scientists of the 19th century.

Further Reading
Induction and Inductance (NDT Education Resources)
Joseph Henry (Smithsonian Archives)
Self Inductance (Lecture Notes from Professor of Physics, Richard Fitzpatrick, University of Texas)


Cleveland, C. (2006). Henry, Joseph. Retrieved from http://editors.eol.org/eoearth/wiki/Henry,_Joseph_(Physics_&_Chemistry)