Haley Mckey
User Profile
Haley Mckey is a sophomore at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts. She first learned of the Encylopedia of Earth through a course she is currently taking in toxicology with EoE Stewardship Committee member Emily Monosson. Haley has always been interested in biology and the environment, and studied science throughout secondary school. She has held internships at Defenders of Wildlife Headquarters in Washington, D.C. as well as at the Fish and Wildlife Service's Coastal Program in Arlington, VA and is currently employed as a canvasser for Clean Water Action, a national public health organization that fights campaigns to preserve the environment on a local level.
Originally from Arlington, MA herself, she hopes to finish studies as a special major in science and communication, become a science journalist, and travel the world following important biological, environmental and ecological issues. When she has (increasingly rarely) time off, she enjoys running, horseback riding, and photography.