Goran Finnveden
From The Encyclopedia of Earth
User Profile
Name: Goran Finnveden
Member Since: February 10th, 2010
Member Name: Goran.finnveden
Biography: Göran Finnveden is a Professor in Environmental Strategic Analysis, Head of the division for Environmental Strategies Research – fms at KTH (the Royal Institute of Technology), Stockholm, Sweden and vice head of the Department of Urban Planning and Environment. He has a MSc in Chemical Engineering, a PhD in Natural Resources Management and is an Associate Professor in Industrial Ecology. Göran Finnveden has specialised in environmental systems analysis tools with particular emphasis on Life Cycle Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment. He is working with both methodology development and case studies. The case studies involve buildings, waste management, energy, ICT, agriculture, and defence among other things. He has also broadened his scope towards environmental policy areas such EPI (Environmental Policy Integration), IPP (Integrated Product Policy) and waste policies He is a member of the editorial boards of three scientific journals and has published more than 50 scientific papers and is frequently cited.