Watt (Energy)

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October 8, 2007, 6:16 pm
SI multiples of watt
Multiple Name Symbol Multiple Name Symbol
100 watt w
101 decawatt daw 10–1 deciwatt dw
102 hectowatt hw 10–2 centiwatt cw
103 kilowatt kw 10–3 milliwatt mw
106 megawatt Mw 10–6 microwatt µw
109 gigawatt Gw 10–9 nanowatt nw
1012 terawatt Tw 10–12 picowatt pw
1015 petawatt Pw 10–15 femtowatt fw
1018 exawatt Ew 10–18 attowatt aw
1021 zettawatt Zw 10–21 zeptowatt zw
1024 yottawatt Yw 10–24 yoctowatt yw


The watt (symbol: W) is the SI unit of power defined as one joule of energy transferred or dissipated in one second (J/s). Its expression in terms of [[SI] base units] is m2·kg·s-3.

The watt is a common unit of electrical power, in which case one watt of power is expended when one ampere of direct current flows through a resistance of one ohm. Watt electrical (abbreviation: We) is a term that refers to power produced as electricity. SI prefixes can be used, for example megawatt electrical (MWe) and gigawatt electrical (GWe). Watt thermal (abbreviation: Wt or Wth) refers to thermal power produced; again SI prefixes can be used, for example megawatt thermal (MWt) and gigawatt thermal (GWt).

For perspective, the approximate heat dissipation from an adult human is around 100 Wt. A typical kitchen microwave will be rated around 1000 W (1 kW) and a typical automobile's power output rating will be around 150 kW.


The unit is named for James Watt (1736-1819), the Scottish inventor, instrument maker and mechanical engineer, renowned for his improvements on the steam engine.


1 watt = 1 joule/second
1 watt = 1 volt ampere
1 watt = 1·107 ergs/second
1 watt = 2.39006·10-4 kilocalorie (thermal)/second
1 watt = 9.48452·10-4 Btu (thermal)/second

Further Reading


Cleveland, C. (2007). Watt. Retrieved from http://editors.eol.org/eoearth/wiki/Watt_(Energy)