Gary Flomenhof
User Profile
Gary Flomenhoft received a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Tufts University in 1977, and a Master in Public Policy from the University of Maryland in 2001, with a certificate in Ecological Economics. Gary has a diverse background of practical experience ranging from environmental technology and Green politics, to aerospace and systems engineering.
Gary was a founding member of the Green Party of California, co-founder of the US Green Party Organizing Committee, and in 1990 and 1992 served as Policy Director and spokesperson for the first Green Party congressional campaigns in the US in Santa Barbara, California. He is co-founder and Vice-President of the non-profit Geonomy Society which is concerned with democratic rights to land and resource rents. From 1992-1996 Gary managed two small electric vehicle companies, and ran his own EV conversion and online parts company from 1996 to 2000. From 2000-2001 he worked as a Program Assistant for economic development at the US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development.
Gary's current interests in Ecological Economics focus on three areas: renewable energy, international sustainable development, and green taxes and common assets. He teaches 4 energy courses at UVM, including a renewable energy workshop in Dominica, and co-teaches a sustainable development course in St. Lucia. His policy work focusses on implementation of green taxes and common assets in Vermont, ie: payment for the use of "the commons" with dividends paid to all of us.