David Pimentel
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Dr. David Pimentel received his Ph.D. from Cornell University and had postdoctoral research scholarships at Oxford University (England), the University of Chicago, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After serving four years as Director of a U.S. Public Health Service Tropical Research Laboratory in Puerto Rico, Pimentel returned to Cornell to join the faculty of the Department of Entomology and Limnology. There he developed the first course in general ecology and now teaches a course in environmental policy. He holds a joint appointment in the Department of Entomology and the Section of Ecology and Systematics (now the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology) and is a member of the Graduate Fields of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Entomology, and Natural Resources. Nationally, Pimentel has served in the Office of the President and as Chairman of the Environmental Studies Board in the National Academy of Sciences. He is currently a professor in the Department of Entomology, Systematics, and Ecology at Cornell University.
E-mail: dp18@cornell.edu David Pimentel