Cooperative Climate: Part II

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Part I identified a convergence of interests in energy efficiency in East Asia and a political window of opportunity for further cooperation. In order to suggest an effective strategy for further cooperation, the research team first sought to draw lessons from past experience. Part II (Chapters 3, 4 and 5) presents the findings from analysis of existing energy efficiency cooperation in the region. The analysis was driven by the following questions:

  • What kinds of cooperation on energy efficiency and conservation are already taking place in East Asia?
  • What is their scale and scope?
  • How do they compare in terms of the way cooperation is structured?
  • What policy mechanisms do the cooperation efforts use?
  • Which sectors and technologies are targeted?
  • How have these cooperation programs performed?
  • Where are there opportunities to strengthen existing cooperation or to facilitate new areas of cooperation?
  • What are the other implications for future cooperation efforts?

The research team used information from interviews, stakeholder workshops, project documents, reports, brochures,online data and other analyses, enhanced by the team’s own experience in energy and environmental cooperation. After a Scoping Workshop in Tokyo in April 2005, the research team undertook extensive interviews in Japan and China from May through August 2005. Interviews were also conducted in South Korea and the Philippines. Interviewees included government officials from key national agencies; representatives of industry; staff of national and multilateral aid agencies; staff of non-governmental organizations active in energy efficiency cooperation; and researchers engaged in energy and environmental policy and cooperation. The purpose of the interviews was twofold: (1) to gain information on existing cooperation activities; and (2) to hear perspectives on the idea of a new fund dedicated to energy efficiency cooperation in East Asia. After initial analysis of the findings, interim stakeholder workshops were held in September 2005 in Tokyo and Beijing to share the findings and further discuss the proposal for the fund. Additional analysis was then conducted during the fall and into the new year, leading to public presentation of a proposal for action at a formal workshop in Tokyo in February 2006.This book represents the findings and recommendations from the research team.

The analysis of existing energy efficiency cooperation was organized around three main aspects:

  • Cooperation Structure: type of organization, level of political agreement;
  • Cooperation Mechanisms: form of cooperation, cooperation process; and
  • Cooperation Targets: types of technologies, economic sectors targeted.

The next three chapters summarize three significant trends in the above aspects of existing energy efficiency cooperation in East Asia and discuss implications for future cooperation. Chapter 3 (Cooperative Climate: Part II), on cooperation structure, notes the growing role of independent international cooperation networks in promoting energy efficiency. Chapter 4 (Cooperative Climate: Part II), on cooperation mechanisms,highlights the effectiveness of policy development cooperation in achieving significant energy savings. Chapter 5 (Cooperative Climate: Part II), on cooperation targets, identifies activities to improve efficiency in the energy-intensive industrial sector and points to the need for more cooperation in economic sectors with numerous, diverse actors, e.g., appliances, transportation and buildings.

This is a chapter from Cooperative Climate: Energy Efficiency Action in East Asia (e-book).
Previous: Chapter 2. The Need for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (Cooperative Climate: Part II)|Table of Contents (Cooperative Climate: Part II)|Next: Chapter 3. Cooperation Structure: The Growing Role of Independent Cooperation Networks (Cooperative Climate: Part II)


Development, I., Heggelund, G., Meier, A., Ohshita, S., Sinton, J., Sugiyama, T., & Wiel, S. (2012). Cooperative Climate: Part II. Retrieved from