Comment on NOAA Scientific Integrity
NOAA scientific integrity
"Scientific integrity is at the core of producing and using good science. By being open and honest about our science, we build understanding and trust." | |
Dr. Jane Lubchenco, NOAA Administrator |
Science is the foundation of all NOAA does. NOAA’s weather forecasts and warnings, nautical charts, climate information, fishing regulations, coastal management recommendations, and satellites in the sky all depend on science. The quality of NOAA science is exemplary, and many of NOAA’s scientists are recognized as national and international experts in their fields.
To this end, NOAA has embarked on a thoughtful and transparent effort to draft a policy to uphold the principles of scientific integrity contained in the President’s March 9, 2009, memorandum and Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) director, John Holdren’s December 17, 2010, memorandum on scientific integrity.
Transparency is a key principle in this policy, and in keeping with this principle, we are seeking comments from the public on the Draft NOAA Scientific Integrity Policy and its accompanying procedural Handbook.
Sea Grant studies coastal ecosystems. Credit: Dave Partee/Alaska Sea Grant.
Please send your feedback to either in an email or a MS Word document by August 20, 2011. Please include a reference to the section, sub-section, and paragraph when providing comments on specific language in the draft documents.
Those with limited computer access can call 301-734-1186 to request a copy of the draft policy and handbook and instructions for returning written comments via mail by Aug. 15.
In April, NOAA submitted a progress report to OSTP describing its progress on developing a scientific integrity policy and describing relevant policies currently in effect.
Following the 60-day public comment period, NOAA will finalize the policy and handbook and post both here once available.
Page updated: June 16,2011