Charles Redman
User Profile
Charles Redman received his B.A. from Harvard University, and his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Anthropology from the University of Chicago. He taught at New York University and at the State University of New York-Binghamton before coming to Arizona State University in 1983. Since then he has served as Chair for the Department of Anthropology and in 1997, assumed the directorship of the Center for Environmental Studies. Redman's interests include human impacts on the environment, historical ecology, the rise of civilization, archaeological research design, environmental education and public outreach. The author or co-author of nine books including Explanation in Archaeology, The Rise of Civilization, People of the Tonto Rim and, most recently, Human Impact on Ancient Environments, he has directed archaeological field projects in the Near East, North Africa, and Arizona. Redman has served as Principal Investigator on 35 research grants from federal, state, and private agencies totaling over $23 million. In 1998, he began codirecting the Central Arizona - Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research project, the first established by the National Science Foundation in an urban arid locale. He is also codirecting the recent expansion of this urban ecological research to include an innovative, interdisciplinary Ph.D. program sponsored by the National Science Foundation (IGERT). Redman is also a founding member of the Southwest Center for Education and the Natural Environment (SCENE), a member of the Board of Trustees of the Museum of Northern Arizona, as well as the Arizona Chapter of The Nature Conservancy, and a Member of the Science Advisory Committee of Biosphere 2 and The Wenner-Gren Foundation. He has served as a member of several state councils and as Chair of the State's Archaeology Advisory Commission and the Arizona Advisory Council on Environmental Education.
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