Carl Hoagstrom
User Profile
Born August 24, 1940, Holdrege, Nebraska, Married to Maureen Ann Goertzen (1965), Children (birth years): Rebecca Ann (1968), Christopher William (1970), Sherwin Carl (1974).
Education: Holdrege elementary and secondary school system 1945-1958, Holdrege, Nebraska; Kearney State College (now the University of Nebraska at Kearney) 1962-1966, Biology/Physical Science Kearney, Nebraska, BS 1966; Purdue University 1966-1968 Biology, West Lafayette, Indiana, MS 1968; University of Arizona 1971-1975, Zoology (Botany Minor), Tucson, Arizona, PhD 1978.
Experience: U.S. Marine Corps 1958-1962 Voluntary military service; Purdue University 1966-1967 Research Assistant-Biochemistry, 1967-1968 Teaching Assistant-Cell Biology (Fall Semester), 1967-1968 Instructor-Microbiology (Spring Semester), 1968 Laboratory Technician-Biochemistry (Summer); Arcadia, Nebraska 1968-1969 Arcadia High School and Junior High School Science Teacher (General Science, Biology, Physics); Grand Island, Nebraska 1969-1971 Grand Island High School- Science Teacher (Biology, Chemistry); University of Arizona 1971-1975 Research Assistant-Mammalian Communities; Ohio Northern University 1975-2005 Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor of Biology (sequentially), Chair of the Department (1986-1988) Retired 2005, Emeritus status conferred 2006.
Professional Production: Wrote a few scientific papers, and presented a few scientific meeting presentations and posters; wrote a number of articles and presented several programs for the general public; wrote a number of study guides and organized a number of field trips based on the study guides for inner city youngsters and home school groups.
Honors and Awards: Graduated Summa Cum Laude from Kearney State College 1966, Elected to Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha of Arizona Chapter 1979; Awarded the College of Arts and Sciences, Student Council, Outstanding Faculty Service Award 1981-1982; Appointed to the Eleanor and Robert Biggs Chair in the Sciences for 1995-1996 and again for 2001-2002; Selected for Who’s Who among America’s Teachers in 2000 and subsequent years.
Interests: Natural history, ecology, biology, geography, history, prehistory, baseball, reading, etc.