Brynn Hibbert
User Profile
Brynn Hibbert occupies the Chair of Analytical Chemistry at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. He is the second incumbent and arrived in Australia from England in 1987.
His research interests are in electroanalytical chemistry and chemometrics and metrology, but he also does a sideline in expert opinion, scientific fraud and presenting science to the public. He has published around 200 papers, 4 books and holds 2 patents. His latest book Quality Assurance in the Chemical Laboratory will be published by Oxford University Press in early 2007.
He is past Chair of the Analytical Division of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, a titular member of the IUPAC Analytical Division, and was co-Chair of Interact 2002. He was awarded the Royal Australian Chemical Institute's Analytical Division medal in 1999, and is the 2006 Royal Chemical Society's Australasian lecturer.
E-mail: D. Brynn Hibbert