Brash ice (Climate Change)

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Oceans and seas (main)

Brash ice

March 30, 2010, 12:00 am
October 26, 2011, 12:11 pm

Brash ice is a type of sea ice defined by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) as:

Accumulations of floating ice made up of fragments not more than two meters across; the wreckage of other forms of ice.
This article is written at a definitional level only. Authors wishing to improve this entry are inivited to expand the present treatment, which additions will be peer reviewed prior to publication of any expansion.

See also

Further reading

  • Physical Oceanography Index
  • WMO. Wmo sea–ice nomenclature, terminology, codes and illustrated glossary. Technical Report WMO/OMM/BMO 259, World Meteorological Organization, 1970.


(2011). Brash ice. Retrieved from