Bhola R. Gurjar
User Profile
Dr. Bhola R. Gurjar is on the faculty of Civil Engineering Department of India's premier technological institution; Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Roorkee. He is also a core faculty member at Centre for Transportation Systems (CTRANS) in IIT Roorkee. He has extensive industrial, teaching, training and research experience. His present research interests encompass the air and water pollution; environmental impact and risk assessment; atmospheric emissions and climate change; and integrated cross-disciplinary study of science and policy issues of the environment, health, energy, economy, entrepreneurship, technology, infrastructure and resources – particularly with the global change, sustainable development and risk governance perspectives. He is (co)author/(co)editor of six books, as well as a number of research papers to his credit. He is recipient of several awards and fellowships including the prestigious Advanced Postdoctoral Research Fellowship of the Max Planck Society (Germany), which was awarded to him to work at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (MPIC) in Mainz, Germany, for three years (2002-2005). Based on his outstanding research work carried out at the MPIC – Mainz, the Scientific Steering Committee of the global change SysTem for Analysis, Research and Training (START), Washington, D.C., U.S.A., honored him with the 2004 START Young Scientist Award. He is presently heading the Max Planck Partner Group for Megacities and Global Change established at IIT Roorkee by the Max Planck Society (Germany).
E-mail: Bhola R. Gurjar
Website: Homepage