Ben Halpern
User Profile
I received my Ph.D. in Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology from UC Santa Barbara in 2003 and was then a TNC David H. Smith Postdoctoral Fellow jointly sponsored at NCEAS (National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis) and UC Santa Cruz. As the Project Coordinator for the NCEAS program to evaluate ecosystem-based management (EBM) of coastal marine systems, I help coordinate and guide the working group and post-doctoral research funded through this project, participate in and collaborate with these efforts when appropriate, and will work to help translate products from these efforts into real-world management and policy changes. My own research focuses on evaluating population- and ecosystem-level ecological processes of coastal marine species and systems, developing and evaluating the science and methods for managing and conserving marine resources (particularly marine protected areas and EBM), and determining factors that control food web structure and dynamics.