Bearded Beggarticks (Biology)

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Bearded Beggarticks

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Bearded Beggarticks. Credit: USDA.

Bearded Beggarticks

Bidens aristosa (Michx.) Britt.

This article was produced by the USDA Forest Service, Forest Health Staff, Newtown Square, PA. WOW 01-21-05. Invasive Plants website.

Common Names

Bearded beggarticks, swamp marigold, tickseed sunflower, longbracted beggar-ticks

Native Origin

A naturalized invasive plant of the United States


An upright annual or shortlived perennial in the aster family (Asteraceae) growing to a height of 1-5 feet and having slender, leafy, branched stems bearing several golden yellow, daisy-like flower heads. Leaves are approximately 6 inches long, opposite, pinnately divided, and segments toothed. Flowers head are 1-2 inches wide blooming August-October. Seed-like fruits are flat, ovoid, usually with 2 barbed spines.


Wet meadows, roadside ditches, abandoned fields, low ground, open bottomlands, stream banks, and other damp areas such as ditches.


Bearded Beggarticks 2.jpgThis species is reported from states shaded on Plants Database map.

Ecological Impacts

The prickly fruit are known as beggars'-ticks with 2-pronged "stickers" that cling to clothing in autumn. This species spreads to displace native plant species.

Control and Management

  • Manual - Mow to prevent encroachment.
  • Chemical - It can be effectively controlled using any of several readily available general use herbicides such as glyphosate, dicaba, or picloram. Follow label and state requirements.
  • Biocontrol.

Bearded-beggarticks 3.jpg Flowers, Bearded beggarticks. Reference

Editor's Note


Service, U. (2013). Bearded Beggarticks. Retrieved from