Ana Citlalic Gonzalez-Martinez

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Name: Ana Citlalic Gonzalez-Martinez
Member Since: December 3rd, 2009
Member Name: Ana.gonzalez

Ana Citlalic Gonzalez Martinez holds a PhD in Environmental Science from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) with honors (Cum Laude) and a M.Sc. in Environmental Economics from UCL, London.

She was professor assistant at the UAB from 2004-2008, teaching different subjects among them environmental and natural resources economics and ecological economics. Her research interests include social metabolism, physical indicators, multicriteria analysis and sustainability issues. She is currently working as consultant in ENT-environment and management ( developing new ideas and projects that lead to achieve a less unsustainable world. She is carrying out a project on greening local budgets in Spain financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.