Amphibians of the Albertine Rift
There are eighteeen species of amphibians of the Albertine Rift; this number of taxa comprise about 19% of Africa's amphibian species. Again, species are being discovered in this region as surveys take place and these numbers will increase with more survey work. Sixteen species of amphibian are highly threatened.At least 34 amphibians are endemic to the Albertine Rift (AR) with a further three near-endemic. Many of these species have some form of IUCN classification as they are considered threatened or little is known about their distribution.
Family |
Species |
IUCN Status |
AR endemic (AR) or |
Arthroleptidae |
Schoutedenella vercammeni |
Data Deficient |
AR |
Arthroleptidae |
Cardioglossa cyaneospila |
NT |
AR |
Arthroleptidae |
Schoutedenella hematogaster |
VU |
AR |
Arthroleptidae |
Schoutedenella pyrrhoscelis |
VU |
AR |
Bufonidae |
Laurentophryne parkeri |
Data Deficient |
AR |
Herpelidae |
Boulengerula fischeri |
Data Deficient |
AR |
Hyperoliidae |
Hyperolius atrigularis |
Data Deficient |
AR |
Hyperoliidae |
Hyperolius ferrugineus |
Data Deficient |
AR |
Hyperoliidae |
Hyperolius xenorhinus |
Data Deficient |
AR |
Hyperoliidae |
Leptopelis fenestratus |
Data Deficient |
AR |
Hyperoliidae |
Leptopelis fiziensis |
Data Deficient |
AR |
Hyperoliidae |
Chrysobatrachus cupreonitens |
EN |
AR |
Hyperoliidae |
Hyperolius leleupi |
EN |
AR |
Hyperoliidae |
Hyperolius leucotaenius |
EN |
AR |
Hyperoliidae |
Leptopelis karissimbiensis |
NT |
AR |
Hyperoliidae |
Callixalus pictus |
VU |
AR |
Hyperoliidae |
Hyperolius castaneus |
VU |
AR |
Hyperoliidae |
Hyperolius chrysogaster |
VU |
AR |
Hyperoliidae |
Hyperolius frontalis |
VU |
AR |
Hyperoliidae |
Afrixalus orophilus |
AR | |
Hyperoliidae |
Hyperolius discodactylus |
AR | |
Hyperoliidae |
Leptopelis kivuensis |
AR | |
Hyperoliidae |
Hyperolius langi |
EN |
NE |
Hyperoliidae |
Hyperolius diaphanus |
VU |
NE |
Petropedetidae |
Phrynobatrachus sulfureogularis |
Data Deficient |
AR |
Petropedetidae |
Phrynobatrachus asper |
EN |
AR |
Petropedetidae |
Phrynobatrachus acutirostris |
NT |
AR |
Petropedetidae |
Phrynobatrachus dalcqi |
NT |
AR |
Petropedetidae |
Phrynobatrachus versicolor |
NT |
AR |
Petropedetidae |
Phrynobatrachus bequaerti |
VU |
AR |
Petropedetidae |
Phrynobatrachus petropedetoides |
AR | |
Petropedetidae |
Phrynobatrachus rouxi |
Data Deficient |
NE |
Pipidae |
Xenopus ruwenzoriensis |
Data Deficient |
AR |
Pipidae |
Xenopus vestitus |
VU |
AR |
Pipidae |
Xenopus wittei |
VU |
AR |
Ranidae |
Afrana ruwenzorica |
EN |
AR |
Ranidae |
Afrana desaegeri |
AR |
- Schiøtz, A. 2004. Callixalus pictus. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
- Martin Pickersgill 2004. Amietia desaegeri. 2010 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
- Pickersgill, M. 2004. Afrana desaegeri. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
- Tinsley, R., Measey, J. & Howell, K. 2004. Xenopus wittei. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species