Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate (ATOC)

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March 28, 2010, 12:00 am
December 12, 2011, 9:39 am

The Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate program is composed of two complementary enviromental initiatives:

  1. to gather information about temperatures in the ocean using acoustic tomography to verify the predictions of existing climate models; and
  2. to assess the potential effects of low frequency sound transmissions on marine mammals and sea turtles through its Marine Mammal Research Program (MMRP) component.
This article is written at a definitional level only. Authors wishing to improve this entry are inivited to expand the present treatment, which additions will be peer reviewed prior to publication of any expansion.


Two acoustic sources were placed: (a) one north of Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands and (b) a second on a seamount off of the coast of central California. Acoustic signatures of these sources were evaluated at listening stations within the Christmas islands and the Hawaiian Islands.

Further Reading


Baum, S. (2011). Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate (ATOC). Retrieved from