Acknowledgments (The Future of Life: Acknowledgments)
The Future of Life: Acknowledgments
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Series: The John H. Chafee Memorial Lecture on Science and the Environment
2nd National Conference on Science, Policy and the Environment
Primary Speaker: Dr. Edward O. Wilson
Date: December 6, 2001
Location: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC
The National Council for Science and the Environment is grateful to the following sponsors for making possible the second annual John H. Chafee Memorial Lecture on Science and the Environment:
Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, Boston University
The RAND Frederick S. Pardee Center for Longer Range Global Policy and the Future Human Condition
Natural Resources Defense Council
S.C. Johnson & Son
Additional Support from:
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
See also The Future of Life by Edward O. Wilson, published by Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2002.
About the Lead Sponsors
Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, Boston University
The Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future at Boston University has been established to advance scholarly dialogue and investigation into the longer-term future, identified as 35 to 200 years hence. The Center, directed by Professor David Frumkin, produces serious intellectual work that is interdisciplinary, international, non-ideological, and of practical applicability. Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen holds the Center’s visiting professorship. The Center is a forum for representatives and experts from a broad range of disciplines to take an informed, rigorous, and thoughtful look at the multiple forces that will shape our global community and determine what specific impact they may have on our lives. Center conferences address issues such as “The Future of Values” and “Challenges to the Existing Political Structure of the World.”
The RAND Frederick S. Pardee Center for Longer Range Global Policy and the Future Human Condition
The RAND Frederick S. Pardee Center for Longer Range Global Policy works to improve our ability to think about the longer-term future—from 35 to as far as 200 years ahead—and to develop new methods of analyzing potential long-range, global effects of today’s policy options in order to design sound policies that are sensitive to those effects.
The Center, under the leadership of Dr. James A. Dewar, concentrates on five broad areas:
- Developing new methodologies—or refining existing ones—to improve thinking about the long-range effects of policy options.
- Developing improved measures of human progress on an international scale.
- Identifying policy issues with important implications for the long-term future, i.e., 35 years and beyond.
- Using longer-range policy analysis and measures of global progress to improve near-term decisions that have long-term impact.
- Collaborating with like-minded institutions and colleagues, including the United Nations Development Program, academic research centers, futures societies, and individuals around the globe.
Host Committee
- Senator Max Baucus (MT) Honorary Co-Chair
- Senator John W. Warner (VA) Honorary Co-Chair
- Senator Susan M. Collins (ME)
- Former Senator John C. Danforth (MO)
- Senator James M. Jeffords (VT)
- Senator Jack Reed (RI)
- Senator Olympia J. Snowe (ME)
- Former Senator Robert T. Stafford (VT)
- Charles Alling (Yale ‘47)
- Frances Beinecke
- Ambassador Richard E. Benedick
- Ambassador Robert Blake
- William Goedecke (Yale ‘44)
- Jan Hartke
- Honorable Townsend W. Hoopes (Yale ‘44)
- Paul G. Irwin
- Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy
- Dr. Martha Marks
- Frank O’Brien (Yale ‘44)
- The Honorable William K. Reilly
- Wendy Gordon Rockefeller
- Steven J. Shimberg
- Honorable J. Gustave Speth
- Honorable Russell E. Train
- Edward O. Welles (Yale ‘44)
(Yale classmates of Senator Chafee are indicated.)
NCSE Board of Directors
- Dr. A. Karim Ahmed, Secretary-Treasurer; President, Global Children’s Health and Environment Fund
- Richard Bartlett, Vice Chairman; Mary Kay Holding Corporation
- Honorable Richard E. Benedick, President; Ambassador, retired Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Dr. Robert P. Bringer, Former Staff Vice-President, 3M
- Charles K. Dayton, Esq. Partner, Leonard, Street and Deinard
- Dr. Marye Anne Fox, Chancellor, North Carolina State University
- Dr. Malcolm Gillis, President, Rice University
- Dr. Stanley Greenfield Former Assistant Administrator of Research and Development, EPA Environmental Consultant
- Dr. Dorothy I. Height, President Emeritus, National Council of Negro Women
- Dr. Henry F. Howe, Professor and Ecology Coordinator, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Dr. Stephen P. Hubbell, Chairman, Professor of Botany, University of Georgia
- Honorable Randy Johnson Commissioner, Hennepin County, Minnesota Former President, National Association of Counties
- Dr. Donald N. Langenberg, Chancellor Emeritus, University System of Maryland
- Dr. H. Jeffrey Leonard, President, Global Environment Fund, L.P
- Diana MacArthur, Chair and CEO, Dynamac Corporation
- Honorable Robert S. McNamara, Former President, The World Bank Former Secretary of Defense Former CEO, Ford Motor Company
- Honorable Craig A. Peterson, Former Majority Leader, State Senate of Utah President, Peterson Consulting
- Dr. Ronald Pulliam, Regents Professor, University of Georgia Former Director, National Biological Service
- Dr. Christopher Reaske, Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations, Boston University
- Dr. Peter D. Saundry, Executive Director, National Council for Science and the Environment
- Honorable Barbara Sheen Todd, Chairman, Board of Commissioners, Pinellas County, Florida Former President, National Association of Counties
- Dr. Claire Van Ummersen, Vice President, American Council on Education President Emeritus, Cleveland State University