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  • Fluid catalytic cracking Featured Article Fluid catalytic cracking Fluid catalytic cracking
    Fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) is the most important conversion process used in petroleum refineries. It is widely used to convert the high-boiling hydrocarbon fractions of... More »
  • SS Gairsoppa recovery Featured Article SS Gairsoppa recovery SS Gairsoppa recovery
    The SS Gairsoppa recovery is a planned deep-sea operation in the North Atlantic Ocean, that is expected to retrieve the world's largest precious metals shipwreck salvage in... More »
  • Spiral Pine Needle Cookstove Featured Article Spiral Pine Needle Cookstove Spiral Pine Needle Cookstove
    Spiral Pine Needle Cookstove Challenge In Uttrakand, India, wood fuel is a scarce commodity, as it is illegal to cut branches from the government-owned pine trees. The... More »
  • Agriculture II Featured Photo Gallery Agriculture II Agriculture II (Technology)
    Humans began to cultivate food crops about 10,000 years ago. Prior to that time, hunter-gatherers secured their food as they traveled in the nearby environment. When they... More »
  • Aerial Exploration of the Antarctic Featured Article Aerial Exploration of the Antarctic Aerial Exploration of the Antarctic
    Exploration of the Antarctic - Part 10 In the late 1920s, exploration of the Antarctic was revolutionized by the advent of aircraft. At the turn of the century, the... More »
  • A Walk Through Time Featured Article A Walk Through Time A Walk Through Time
    The Evolution of Time Measurement through the Ages. A Walk Through Time Ancient Calendars Celestial bodies — the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars — have... More »
  • Geophony, Biophony, and Anthrophony Featured Article Geophony, Biophony, and Anthrophony Geophony, Biophony, and Anthrophony
    What do these words mean? Biophony is the melodic sound created by such organisms as frogs and birds; geophony, the composition of non-biological sounds like wind, rain and... More »
Recently Updated
Logo title.png National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), United States Last Updated on 2014-06-30 19:00:15 The National Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration (NOAA) is a federal agencywithin the United States Department of Commerce. As a science-based operational agency tasked with monitoring climate and changes in the environment, NOAA is responsible for the study of the atmosphere and the oceans. The agency issues daily weather forecasts and storm warnings, restores coastline,aidsthe flow ofmarine commerce, and manages fisheries. NOAA's activities facilitate weather- and climate-sensitive economic activity that account for roughly one-third of the country's gross domestic product (GDP)[1]. The agency also responds to natural and man-made maritime disasters, operates a complex network of oceanographic, meteorologicalandatmospheric data-collecting products and services, and manages marine mammals, marine endangered... More »
7678607190 33e771ac97 b.jpg Los Alamos National Laboratory Last Updated on 2014-06-18 18:15:17 Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), located in Los Alamos, New Mexico, is one of several U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories. It is noteworthy as the site where the world's first nuclear weapon was developed under a heavy cloak of secrecy during World War II, and has been known variously as Site Y, Los Alamos Laboratory, and Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. Today, it is recognized as one of the world's leading science and technology institutes. Since June 2006, LANL has been managed and operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC (LANS).[1] LANL's self-stated mission is to ensure the safety, security, and reliability of the nation's nuclear deterrent.[2] Its research work serves to advance bioscience, chemistry, computer science, Earth and environmental sciences, materials science, and physics disciplines. The Manhattan Project was the... More »
ContentImg.jpg The Future of Human Nature: A Symposium on the Promises and Challenges of the Revolutions in Genomics and Computer Science (Conference): Session Five Last Updated on 2014-06-14 12:44:56 Series: Pardee Center Conference Series Dates: April 10, 11, and 12, 2003 Location: Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, Boston University, Boston, MA [[Note: George Church’s presentation made extensive use of charts and other visual representations. A verbal summary is not able to convey his general ideas or his specific points adequately. The following summary, therefore, will necessarily appear disjointed and even incoherent in places.]] My talk will involve the convergence of genomics and computer science, with an emphasis on what sorts of timelines are plausible. I will also discuss the economic consequences, not only in terms of dollars, but also environments, ecologies, and so forth. I would like to give you a feeling for the kinds of things we do in systems biology, and then go on to discuss speculatively... More »
ContentImg.jpg Technological Nightmares (Lecture): Biography of Paul Streeten Last Updated on 2014-06-14 12:43:15 Series: Pardee Center Distinguished Lecture Series Date: October 2003 Location: Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, Boston University, Boston, MA Dr. Streeten is the founder and chairman of the board of World Development, a consultant to the United Nations Development Program and to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). He has worked for several UN bodies. Among other institutions, he has played a major role in the Institute of Commonwealth Studies and the Institute of Development Studies in Sussex. He is a principal thinker behind the Human Development paradigm and has been intensely involved in the writing of all the United Nations Human Development Reports, either as a part of the team of authors or as an advisor. Dr. Streeten has participated in numerous... More »
ContentImg.jpg The Future of Human Nature: A Symposium on the Promises and Challenges of the Revolutions in Genomics and Computer Science (Conference): Participants’ Biographies and Contact Information Last Updated on 2014-06-14 12:40:13 Series: Pardee Center Conference Series Dates: April 10, 11, and 12, 2003 Location: Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, Boston University, Boston, MA Edward R. Utley Professor and Chair, Department of Health Law, Bioethics and Human Rights, Boston University School of Public Health Professor of Sociomedical Science and Community Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine Professor of Law, Boston University School of Law Boston University School of Public Health 715 Albany Street Boston, MA 02215 E-mail George Annas is the cofounder of Global Lawyers and Physicians, a transnational professional association of lawyers and physicians working together to promote human rights and health. He has degrees from Harvard College (AB, economics ’67), Harvard Law School (JD ’70), and Harvard School of Public Health (MPH ’72).... More »