Making Development More Sustainable: Sustainomics Framework and Applications (e-book)

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MIND Discussion Draft
Mohan Munasinghe
Munasinghe Institute for Development (MIND), Sri Lanka



  1. Overview and outline of Making Development More Sustainable (Making Development More Sustainable: Sustainomics Framework and Applications (e-book))
  2. Rationale and motivations for sustainomics
    1. Addressing key sustainable development challenges today
    2. Fulfilling major global agreements on sustainable development
    3. Avoiding worst case future scenarios and learning from past experience
    4. Vision for a practical way forward
  3. Brief history of sustainomics
    1. Evolution of the sustainomics approach
    2. Summary of basic principles and methods
  4. Prospects and status of millennium development goals


  1. Basic concepts and principles of sustainomics
    1. Making development more sustainable (MDMS)
    2. Sustainable development triangle and balanced treatment
    3. Transcending conventional boundaries for better integration
    4. Full cycle application of practical analytical tools
  2. Sustainable development triangle
    1. Economic aspects
    2. Environmental aspects
    3. Social aspects
  3. Economic, social, and environmental elements of development
    1. Need for integration
    2. Optimality
    3. Durability
    4. Complementarity and convergence of optimal and durable approaches
    5. Poverty, equity, population and sustainable natural resource use
  4. Tools and methods for integrated analysis and assessment of sustainable development
    1. Action Impact Matrix (AIM)
    2. Other methods and indicators
  5. Restructuring development and growth for greater sustainability
    1. Harmonizing development with nature
    2. Changing the structure of growth
    3. Long term growth and sustainable development


  1. Overview of economic and environmental project evaluation (Making Development More Sustainable: Sustainomics Framework and Applications (e-book))
  2. Cost-benefit analysis and economic assessment
  3. Shadow pricing
    1. Efficiency and Social Shadow Prices
    2. Common Property Resources and Externalities
    3. Practical Considerations
  4. Measuring economic costs and benefits
    1. Patterns of resource use
    2. Basic economics of cost and benefit measurement
    3. Estimation of project costs and benefits
    4. Benefits that are difficult to value monetarily
  5. Valuing environmental costs and benefits
    1. Categories of economic value
    2. Practical valuation techniques
    3. Direct effects valued on conventional markets
    4. Potential expenditure valued on conventional markets
    5. Valuation using implicit (or surrogate) markets
    6. Valuation using constructed markets
  6. Multi-criteria analysis in environmental decision-making
  7. Discount rate, risk, and uncertainty in environmental decision-making
    1. Discounting and inter-generational choices
    2. Risk and uncertainty problems
  8. Economy-wide policies and the environment
    1. Macroeconomic policies
    2. Structural adjustment
    3. Public investment/expenditure reviews
    4. Sectoral policies
    5. National income accounts and macroeconomic performance


  1. Conceptual framework linking ecological and socio-economic systems
    1. Ecosystem services and human well being
    2. Main findings of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA)
    3. Dynamics of Interlinked Living Systems
  2. Property rights and ecological-social interactions
    1. Sustainability, sustainable development, and property rights regimes
    2. Governance systems
    3. Equity, stewardship, and environmental resilience
    4. Traditional knowledge
    5. Mechanisms linking humans and environmental resources
    6. Poverty, population and natural resource use
    7. Lessons learned and conclusions
  3. Environmental and social assessment
    1. Environmental assessment (EA)
    2. Social assessment (SA)


Munasinghe, M., & Development, M. (2007). Making Development More Sustainable: Sustainomics Framework and Applications (e-book). Retrieved from