From The Encyclopedia of Earth
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions can be as simple as changing a light bulb, walking to the store, basking in the sunshine, eating locally grown food, upgrading industrial equipment, or adding curtains to a window.
Then again mitigating climate change can be as complicated as launching thousands of ships to seed clouds or 16 trillion sunshades into orbit around Earth.
Pipelines for Carbon Dioxide Control in the United States Last Updated on 2011-09-10 00:00:00 Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is of great interest because potentially large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted from the industrial burning of fossil fuels in the United States could be suitable for sequestration. Carbon capture technologies can potentially remove 80%-95% of CO2 emitted from an electric power plant or other industrial source. Power plants are the most likely initial candidates for CCS because they are predominantly large, single-point sources, and they contribute approximately one-third of U.S. CO2 emissions from fossil fuels. Note: This article contains information that was originally published in the Congressional Research Service reports Pipelines for Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Control: Network Needs and Cost Uncertainties (January 10, 2008) by Paul W. Parfomak and Peter Folger and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Pipelines for CarbonSequestration:... More »
IPCC Working Group III Last Updated on 2011-07-12 00:00:00 Working Group III (WG III) of the IPCC focuses its work on the mitigation of climate change. The IPCC has the responsibility of providing policy makers with objective scientific and technical findings that are policy relevant but not policy prescriptive. The IPCC is aimed at serving as an honest broker between science and policy makers and other relevant stakeholders. The IPCC WG III assesses all relevant options for mitigating climate change through limiting or preventing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and enhancing activities that remove them from the atmosphere. WG III analyses the costs, benefits and risks of the different approaches to mitigation, considering also the available domestic instruments and policy measures as well as international arrangements. It is responsible for producing reports as part of IPCC's multi-volume Assessments. IPCC Assessments... More » 1989-90 International Trans-Antarctica Expedition Reunion Last Updated on 2011-05-18 00:00:00 On March 3, 1990, a team of six men from six different countries and their 42 sled dogs completed the first-ever dogsled crossing of the Antarctic continent. The 1990 International Trans-Antarctica Expedition, led by Minnesotan Will Steger, traveled 3,741 miles in seven months, enduring temperatures as low as -54F and winds as high as 100 mph. In early December 2010, the team will gather for the first time in 20 years to reflect on their journey and its impact, felt around the world by both lawmakers and school children. More »
IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, Working Group III: Chapter 6 Last Updated on 2010-08-05 00:00:00 Originally published by our Content Partner: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (other articles) Residential and commercial[1] buildings Table of Contents Executive Summary 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Trends in buildings sector emissions 6.3 Scenarios of carbon emissions resulting from energy use in buildings 6.4 GHG mitigation options in buildings and equipment 6.4.1 Overview of energy efficiency principles 6.4.2 Thermal envelope 6.4.3 Heating systems 6.4.4 Cooling and cooling loads 6.4.5 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems 6.4.6 Building energy management systems (BEMS) 6.4.7 Active collection and transformation of solar energy 6.4.8 Domestic hot water 6.4.9 Lighting systems 6.4.10... More »
Colorado River water supply Last Updated on 2010-07-28 00:00:00 This curriculum module will look at the Colorado River water supply, climate issues and water extraction issues. We will study the data, the possible consequences to various user groups, and suggest solutions toadapt to and mitigatethese changes. GOALS Students will see how a changed climate can impact urban development, food security, regional economies, international relations, as well as the natural environment. Students will be able to see how adaptation strategies and different from mitigation strategies and how these strategies can help minimize the impacts and make the Southwest region more sustainable. Part One Figure 1. NASA MODIS image of the Colorado River watershed. Source: NASA The first part of the assignment is to become acquainted with the Colorado River watershed as shown... More » Drag and drop the content to change the order of featured content. The top nine will be displayed.