From The Encyclopedia of Earth
Observed deviations from Earth's past climate include more severe storms, warmer temperatures, melting glaciers, and rising sea levels. These influence species distributions and human health and well-being.
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Alpine plants: missing flowering dateA study conducted over 38 years shows one species' timing has shifted by 13 days. In a changing climate, that "hurry-up-and-flower" date is moving ever earlier on...
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Global Forecast for the 21st CenturyAverage global temperatures are anticipated to warm by somewhere between 1.5°C and 6.8°C from 2000 to 2100, depending on human activities . These changes will not be...
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VIDEO: Climate Change - Wildlife & Wildlands Last Updated on 2013-07-11 15:42:39 EPA partnered with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Park Service,U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Forest Service, and Bureau of Land Management to produce a new educational kit, Climate Change, Wildlife, and Wildlands Toolkit for Formal and Informal Educators.The kit contains case studies, activities, and a video based on the highest quality climate science, environmental education and stewardship information, and is designed to educate, inspire, and engage students everywhere to become stewards of our nations wildlife and ecosystems. This video will help people understand the importance of Wildlife and Wildlandand how it is affected by recent changes in climate. This13-minute, high definition, engaging and highly informative video on climate change science and impacts on wildlife and... More »
Linking extreme heat events to global warming Last Updated on 2012-08-07 00:00:00 An analysis by James Hansen and colleagues suggests that recent episodes of extremely warm summers, including the intense heat wave afflicting the U.S. Midwest this year, very likely are the consequence of global warming. Research Links Extreme Summer Heat Events to Global Warming A statistical analysis (Perception of climate change) by NASA scientists has found that Earth's land areas have become much more likely to experience an extreme summer heat wave than they were in the middle of the 20th century. The research was published August 6, 2012, in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Earth's Northern Hemisphere over the past 30 years has seen more "hot" (orange), "very hot" (red) and "extremely hot" (brown) summers, compared to a base period defined in... More »
Bioenergy: Chances and Limits Last Updated on 2012-07-26 10:38:28 This report from the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina has come to the conclusion that in quantitative terms, bioenergy plays a minor role in the transition to renewable, sustainable energy sources in Germany at the present time and probably into the future. Bioenergy – Chances and Limits The Leopoldina’s statement “Bioenergy – Chances and Limits” Möglichkeiten und Grenzen provides a comprehensive analysis of the use of bioenergy. It was compiled by a working group of more than 20 expert scientists established in 2010 and outlines under which conditions the utilization of bioenergy is appropriate. In recent years Germany has seen a steady rise in the number of energy crops being cultivated for the production of biofuels and biogas. Because bioenergy is so versatile and easy to store, the German... More »
Derecho (Consequences) Last Updated on 2012-07-25 00:00:00 Two types of derecho may be distinguished based largely on the organization and behavior of the associated derecho-producing convective system. The type of derecho most often encountered during the spring and fall is a serial derecho. The second type is a progressive derecho, associated with a relatively short line of thunderstorms. Derecho Derechos are widespread, long-lived windstorms associated with a band of rapidly moving showers or thunderstorms. Coined by Dr. Gustavus Hinrichs in 1888, "derechos", a Spanish word which means "direct" or "straight ahead". Although a derecho's strength can produce destruction similar to tornadoes, the damage pattern produced by these events will occur along relatively straight lines. Thus the term, straight-line wind damage. Derechos are produced by a family of downbursts clusters. Downburst... More »
Alpine plants: missing flowering date Last Updated on 2012-07-14 00:00:00 A study conducted over 38 years shows one species' timing has shifted by 13 days. In a changing climate, that "hurry-up-and-flower" date is moving ever earlier on the calendar. How quickly can plants respond? It's Wildflower Season on Mountain Peaks, But Alpine Plants May Soon Miss the Date July brings a riot of color--a rainbow-hued carpet of wildflowers--to thehigh peaks of the Rockies. In these mountain environments, however, plants have a narrow window of opportunity to set their buds. Now, in a changing climate, that hurry-up-and-flower date is moving ever earlier on the calendar. How quickly can plants respond? The alpine growing season in places like the Rockies doesn't begin until snows melt, sometimes as late as June. Snows may fall again by October. In such habitats, snow covers the ground for eight to nine months of the year--or... More » </div>