Energy and Society: Bibliography
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March 4, 2009, 7:52 pm
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- Adams, Richard Newbold</dt>
- 1975 Energy and Structure. Austin, Texas: University of Texas. </dd>
- Arrow, Kenneth J.</dt>
- 1951 Social Choice and Individual Values. Cowles Commission for Research in Economic Monograph No. 12. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.</dd>
- 1974 The Limits of Organization. New York: W.W. Norton Company, Inc.</dd>
- Bicchieri, M.G.</dt>
- 1972 Hunters and Gatherers Today. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.</dd>
- Buck, John Lossing</dt>
- 1937 Land Utilization in China. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.</dd>
- Childe, V. Gordon</dt>
- 1951 Social Evolution. New York: Abelard Press, Inc. </dd>
- Commoner, Barry, et. al</dt>
- 1975 The Vulnerability of Crop Production to Energy Problems. St. Louis, Missouri: Center for the Biology of Natural Systems, WashingtonUniversity. </dd>
- Curwen, E. Cecil</dt>
- 1946 Plough and Pasture. London: Cobbet Press.</dd>
- Dalton, Edward</dt>
- 1971 Economic Development and Social Change. New York: Natural History Press.</dd>
- De Carvalho, Eduardo Cruz</dt>
- 1974 “Traditional and Modern Patterns of Cattle Raising in Southwestern Angola”, Journal of Developing Areas, Vol. 8, No. 2: 199-226.</dd>
- Durkheim, Emile</dt>
- 1949 The Division of Labor in Society. Glencoe, Ill.: The Free Press.</dd>
- Fei, Hsiao-tung, and Chih-i-Chiange</dt>
- 1945 Earthbound China: A Study of Rural Economy in Yunnan. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.</dd>
- Flannery, Kent V.</dt>
- 1972 “The Origins of the Village as a Settlement Type in Meso-America and the Near East”, in Peter J. Usko, et. al (eds.) Man, Settlement and Urbanism. Duckworth.</dd>
- Forde, C. Daryll</dt>
- 1946 Habitat, Economy and Society: A Geographical Introduction to Ethnology. (5th Ed.) New York: E.P. Dutton & Company, Inc.</dd>
- Gavett, Earle E., et. al</dt>
- Energy and Agriculture. United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. This report was prepared by Economic Research Service Staff from National Economic Analysis Division, Economic Development Division and Natural Resource Economics Division; and J. Warren Mather of the Farmer Cooperative Service.</dd>
- Ghosh, D.</dt>
- 1946 Pressure of Population and Economic Efficiency in India. Indian Council of World Affairs. London: Oxford University Press.</dd>
- Gilfillan, S.C.</dt>
- 1935 Inventing the Ship. Chicago: Follett Publishing Company.</dd>
- Goodfellow, D.M.</dt>
- 1939 Principles of Economic Sociology. New York: McGraw Hill Book Company.</dd>
- Hammond, Allen L., Wm. D. Metz and Thomas H. Maugh II</dt>
- 1973 Energy and the Future. Washington, D.C.: American Association for the Advancement of Science.</dd>
- Heichel, G.H.</dt>
- 1973 Comparative Efficiency of Energy Use in Crop Production. Bulletin 739. New Haven, Conn.: The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. </dd>
- Jennings, Peter R.</dt>
- 1974 “Rice Breeding and World Food Production”, Science, Vol. 186, pp. 1085-1088.</dd>
- Keynes, John Maynard</dt>
- 1936 The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc.</dd>
- Klutznick, Philip M. (chairman), et. al</dt>
- 1974 Achieving Energy Independence. New York: Committee for Economic Development.</dd>
- Knight, Frank. H.</dt>
- 1947 Freedom and Reform. Essays in Economics and Social Philosophy. New York: Harper & Row Publishers. </dd>
- Lee, R.B.</dt>
- 1968 Man the Hunter. Chicago, Illinois: Aldine-Atherton, Inc.</dd>
- 1969 “Kung Bushman Subsistence: An Input-Output Analysis”, in Andrew P. Vayda (ed.) Environment and Cultural Behavior. New York: Natural History Press.</dd>
- 1973 “Mongongo, the Ethnography of a Major Wild Food Resource”, Ecology of Food and Nutrition, Vol. 2: pp. 307-321.</dd>
- Lee, R.B. and K.V. Flannery, et. al</dt>
- “The Evolution of Technical Civilization”, in C. Sagan (ed.) Communication with Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence, CETI. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Institute of Technology Press.</dd>
- Lewis, Oscar</dt>
- 1951 Life in a Mexican Village: Tepoztlàn Revisited. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press.</dd>
- Millikan, Max and David Hapagood</dt>
- 1967 No Easy Harvest. New York: Little, Brown and Company.</dd>
- Moore, Wilbert Ellis</dt>
- 1951 Industrialization and Labor. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.</dd>
- Morgenthaler, George and Aaron N. Silver</dt>
- 1974 Energy Delta: Supply vs. Demand. Vol. 35, Science and Technology. Tarzana, California: American Astronautical Society.</dd>
- Morrison, F.B. </dt>
- 1950 Feeds and Feeding. 21st. Ed. Ithaca, New York: Morrison Publishing Company.</dd>
- Mullins, Troy and M.W. Slusher</dt>
- 1951 Comparison of Farming Systems for Large Rice Farms in Arkansas. Bulletin 509. Fayetteville, Arkansas: University of Arkansas, College of Agriculture.</dd>
- Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development</dt>
- 1974 Agricultural Policy Reports, series, Paris, France.</dd>
- Pimentel, David, et. al</dt>
- 1973 “Food Production and the Energy Crisis”, Science, Vol. 182: pp. 443-449.</dd>
- Polanyi, Karl</dt>
- 1944 The Great Transformation. New York: Farras and Rinehart, Inc.</dd>
- Poleman, Thomas T.</dt>
- Energy Flow Studies in South Pacific Populations. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University (New York State College of Regional and Life Sciences).</dd>
- Population Crisis Committee</dt>
- 1976 Food and Population, Population, No. 1 Washington, D.C.: Population Crisis Committee.</dd>
- 1976 Population and Human Settlements, Population, No. 2 Washington, D.C.: Population Crisis Committee.</dd>
- Rappaport, Roy</dt>
- 1967 Pigs for the Ancestors; ritual in the ecology of a New Guinea people. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press.</dd>
- Sahlins, M. and E. Service (eds.)</dt>
- 1960 Evolution and Culture. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press.</dd>
- Schultz, Theodore William</dt>
- 1964 Transforming Traditional Agriculture. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press.</dd>
- Singh, Gajendra and William Chancellor</dt>
- Energy Inputs and Agricultural Production Under Various Regimes of Mechanization in Northern India. St. Joseph, Mo.: American Society of Agricultural Engineers.</dd>
- Steinhart, J.S. and C.E. Steinhart</dt>
- 1974 “Energy Use in the U.S. Food System”, Science, Vol. 184, pp. 307-316.</dd>
- Tawney, Richard Henry</dt>
- 1926 Religion and the Rise of Capitalism. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company.</dd>
- Veblen, Thorstein</dt>
- 1915 Imperial Germany and the Industrial Revolution. New York: The Macmillan Company.</dd>
- Wade, Nicholas</dt>
- 1974 “Green Revolution: Creators Still Quite Hopeful on World Food”, Science, Vol. 185, pp. 844-845.</dd>
- Weber, Max</dt>
- 1948 The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. London: George Allen & Unwin. Ltd., Second Impression</dd>
- World Health Organization, Technical Report Series No. 522</dt>
- 1973 Energy and Protein Requirements. Report of a Joint Food and Agriculture Organization/WHO Ad Hoc Expert Committee. Geneva: WHO</dd>