Banded butterflyfish (Species)
Banded butterflyfish
The Banded butterflyfish (Chaetodon striatus) is a member of the butterflyfish family (Family Chaetodontidae) that lives on coral reefs in the Western Atlantic Ocean and theCaribbean Sea (Caribbean Sea large marine ecosystem). This species preys chiefly upon polychaete worms, coral polyps, crustaceans and mollusk eggs using their elongated narrow mouths to grasp their prey.
Scientific Classification Kingdom: Animalia (Animals) |
Physical Description
Banded butterflyfishhave small (7.5 to 15.0 centimeters in length), oval bodies withtapered heads and a long pointed mouths. Individuals are white with threelarge black bands, oneon the head that passes through the eye, and two in the mid-body. The species manifests a black border along the rear of the tail and anal fins.
Distribution of the banded butterflyfish. Florida Museum of Natural History.
This taxon is found in the Western Atlantic from Massachusetts, USA to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, as well as in the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea.
Chaetodon striatus typically live on coral reefs at ocean depths ranging from three to 20 meters.
Feeding Behavior
This species feeds primarily on polychaete worms, coral polyps, crustaceans and mollusk eggs using their long narrow mouths to grasp their prey. Their good vision allows them to locate small prey while their narrow body allows them to maneuver through the reef in search of prey. Adults may form plankton-feeding aggregations of up to 20 individuals, and occasionally clean other reef fishes which join the group, such as grunts, parrotfishes and surgeon fishes.
Banded butterflyfishlive oncoral reefs and are generally found singly or in pairs, but they may ocassional join aggregations of up to 20 indiviuals to feed on plankton.
Most mating occurs from February to May, with Banded butterflyfish breeding in pairs. Spawing occurs, at dusk, in the water column; the male and females swim seven to eight meters above the reef before releasing gametes. The number of eggs produced depends on the size of the female, rangingfrom hundreds to thousands of eggs. Eggs are buoyant and hatch within a day or two to produce a larvae with a yolk sac attached. After a few days the yolk sac is absorbed and the larvae continue their pelagic stage. The larvae of butterfly fish are very distinct; the larvae, know as tholichthys, developa series of armor-like plates over theirheads and bodies. Eventually, the larvae settle on the reef and rapidly transform into juveniles thatlive in sandy areas around isolated coral heads and sponges, in sea grass beds, or in mangroves.Juveniles live alone until they reach sexual maturity atabout one year of age.
Banded butterflyfish may occasionally act as cleaners.
Conservation Status
Banded butterflyfish are not considered to be a species at risk.
References and Further Reading
- Encyclopedia of Life. 2011. Chaetodon striatus Linnaeus, 1758
- Casey Patton and Cathy Bester. 2011. Banded Butterflyfish. Florida Museum of Natural History
- P. Humann and N. Deloach. 2010. Butterflyfish
- P. Humann and N. Deloach (Editor), 1994. Reef Fish Identification: Florida, Caribbean, Bahamas. New World Publications, Inc. Jacksonville, FL. ISBN: 1878348078
- N.Deloach. 1999. Reef Fish Behavior, Florida, Caribbean, Bahamas. New World Publications, Inc. Jacksonville, FL. ISBN: 1878348280