‘V’ notch
Repeat this at a number of points along the blade length (at least 6).
7: Then draw a straight line to join all the V-notch levels. Cut off the excess by
cutting (using tin snips) or grinding along the line. We used a mixture of
cutting, to remove the excess, then grinding carefully to the line.
Join notches with line
Angle grinder/ other type of cutter
Cut down to the line
8: Check the windward blade half fits on top of the backward blade half. This
is to ensure that the stringer has been cut down enough. There should be no
gaps between the two halves. If there are, then the stringer should be filed
down as necessary. Test again until the two blade halves fit well.
9: Stick on strips of 200gsm WC onto both sides of the stringer. This must be
half stuck to the stringer piece and half left above the stringer. Use general
purpose ‘inner layer’ resin mix (approx 100g). Carefully apply the resin only to
the bottom half of the WC strip. Ensure that the top half of the fibre glass does
not get any resin on it and is left flexible.