on the brush). The second person should follow the first, applying additional
resin to areas that are without resin or that have less resin.
Carefully lay down the second layer of WCL, it should be a 45º piece.
Continue with the same procedure of consolidation as before.
Use resin batch “inner layer” resin when the batch of “outer layers” resin is
All 16 layers can be applied using this procedure. Keep mixing batches of
“inner layer” resin as required. The amounts of resin indicated are intended
as an exact amount to lay-up the 16 layers of fibre glass. When laying up, the
resin usage should be monitored to avoid running out. If spare resin remains
after all layers have been layed-up the excess resin can be added equally
along the length of the blade. It is important the blades are the same weight
so the rotor will be balanced.
The blade half can be removed from the mould approximately 6 hours after
the lay up. If the part does not peel off easily, very carefully drive a
wooden/bamboo wedge between the piece and the mould. Take care not to
scratch the mould or deform the final part.
The blade halves when dry: