Intermediate Technology (IT), has a strong commitment to enhancing the capacity of partner organisations
to plan and implement gender-focused programmes, intended to benefit resource poor communities. IT
Kenya further recognises that women and men have different needs, interests, roles, skills and knowledge.
Hence, for sustainable impact on communities with whom IT Kenya is involved, the views, skills,
knowledge and experiences of both women and men are considered important attributes. Consideration of
these attributes in the training activities of the energy programme is one way that IT Kenya endeavours to
disseminate interventions that cater for their needs.
During implementation of programmes, development practitioners are increasingly recognising the different
roles that different members of the community play. Additionally, they are recognising the fact that the
community needs are diverse and numerous and they need different approaches to address them. For
instance, both women and men always play significant, but usually different roles in the provision a use of
energy. In the past, development activities tended to ignore the fact that understanding of technical skills,
knowledge and capacities are crucial in meeting the basic needs. This attitude is, however, changing as
awareness is being created through different for a.
Over the years, IT Kenya has worked with communities in the field and has accumulated a wealth of
knowledge and understanding on community needs, as they try to cope with life’s issues. The organisation
has used this experience in many of its activities to build local capacities to ensure a sustainable future for
communities. IT Kenya has also proved, through its many projects, that appropriate technologies play a
significant role in improving livelihoods of poor people. The experience provides particular insights into
technology development issues. An important part of the work of IT Kenya is lobbying for best practices
and influencing their adoption through sharing information on its experiences, approaches and lessons.
This has been, to a greater extent, achieved through publications, workshops and seminars, training and
participating in national and international networks.
In the area of energy, IT Kenya, through its Energy Programme, has undertaken activities in the East
African region mainly helping and supporting agencies working with communities to implement effective
household energy activities. The activities have, to a greater degree, focused on developing people’s
capacities through participatory techniques. For instance, the programme has, among other issues,
introduced a participatory approach popularly known as PEOPLE (Participatory Exploration of Options for
Local Energy), for establishing community energy problems, finding solutions and implementing the
identified option together with communities. This approach has been designed for use by development
workers from development organisations, government ministries, individuals and local community groups.
Technical and non-technical training on various appropriate energy options (including indigenous fuel-
saving technologies), has been offered to partner organisations through workshops and seminars, with a
view to building their capacity and establishing networks.
By working through a range of community agencies with varied goals and objectives, Intermediate
Technology has managed to support a wide range of initiatives addressing various development concerns
such as reduction of the burden women face as fuel collectors; conservation of the natural resources and
environment; income generation through commercialisation of improved stoves; empowerment of the
disadvantaged in the family; health improvement, and household food security.
This manual chronicles IT Kenya’s attempt to lay foundations for recognizing the community role in
identifying and addressing their needs, so that it is valued, strengthened and built upon in project
interventions. In addition, this manual is intended to enable development practitioners in the field to
implement effective energy interventions. It provided practical tools for training of those working with
communities and are in a position to influence planning and implementation of energy activities at
different levels. Some of the activities could be used for training at the grassroots level. Apart from