Issues identified for training
B1. Energy technology and
development issues
Planning household energy
B2 Energy technology design and
(The following are used as
• Mud and ceramic stove
production techniques.
• Kiln construction
B3 Technology choice
Appropriateness of different types
of stove technologies and other
household energy options.
• To enable participants to acquire
participatory skills for recognizing
the need for, and initiating
household energy related
• To enable participants to assess
the need for household energy
technologies and match them
with appropriate technology
• To build institutional and
individual capacity to design the
household energy technologies
Concepts/skills trained
• Simplified skills for
identifying household energy
problems and solutions.
• Identification of strategies for
assessing the appropriateness
of existing indigenous
• Skills for planning household
energy projects.
• Time trend analysis of
technological innovations on
stove designs within the
region, country, locality
• Gender concern in technology
design and generation
• Material selection and mixing
• Skills for constructing
different stove types.
Expected outputs
• Increased ability to work
towards achievement of
sustainable energy use
• Household energy problems
• Levels of demand and supply
for household energy
technologies determined in
relation to type of technology
design (stove).
• Ability gained to undertake
decisions on appropriateness
of design structures
• Technologies designed to
meet the needs of users
• To enable participants to examine
factors that determine the choice
of, and appropriateness of
technology options available, in
order to assist communities to
gain sustainable development
• To enable participants to
appreciate the labour and cash
investment needed to acquire
identified technologies
• To discuss factors that might
affect sustainability of the
• Determining the choice of a
• Gender relations analysis in
the household decision
• Expenditure/income decisions
(control and access to income
and other resources)
• Efficient use of resources
available to communities to
acquire appropriate
• Knowledge of options of
technologies utilised to make
appropriate choices
• Use of family resources to
acquire technologies