The content of this manual was developed through working with partner organisations from 1995 to 1998.
We wish to recognize the contribution of the women, men and children in the communities where energy
programme have been undertaken. |Indeed, their indigenous knowledge about household energy
technologies has contributed towards making the technologies more appropriate.
The manual is a product of the combined efforts of the staff of the Energy programme and partner
organisations. Thanks go to other Intermediate Technology (|IT) Programme staff for taking time to review
the drafts.
Thanks to the Department of Women and Gender Studies, Makerere University for the support accorded
while collecting information and writing this manual.
We are grateful for the constructive critical assessment made by the participants of the Regional Household
Energy Consultative Workshop, held in Arusha, Tanzania, in November 1998.
Finally, thanks to the project donors especially the Department for International Development, (DfID), for
the support given to the project and for the development and preparation of the manual.